submitted date: October 2013
received date: November 2013
accepted date: January 2014

Ransés Alfonso Rodríguez

Bachelor in Mathematics in the Faculty of Mathematics and Computers Sciences at the University de La Habana, Cuba. Current position: Junior Professor at the Centro de Estudios Matemáticos del Instituto Superior Politécnico José Antonio Echevarría, Cuba.

Julián Bravo Castillero

Bachelor in Mathematics Education, Instituto Superior Pedagógico Enrique José Varona, La Habana, Cuba. Bachelor in Mathematics, MSc in Mathematics, and PhD in Mathematics Faculty of Mathematics and Computers Sciences at the Universidad de La Habana, Cuba. Current position: professor in the Faculty of Mathematics and Computers Sciences at the Universidad de La Habana, Cuba.

Renald Brenner

Ph D en Mechanics in Université Paris Nord, 2001, Researcher at the Institut Jean Le Rond d’Alembert, UPMC-CNRS, UMR 7190, 4 place Jussieu, 75005 Paris, France.

David Guinovart Sanjuán

Bachelor in Mathematics Faculty of Mathematics and Computers Sciences at the Universidad de La Habana, Cuba. Current position: Junior Professor Faculty of Mathematics and Computers Sciences at the Universidad de La Habana, Cuba.

Raúl Guinovart Díaz

Bachelor in Mathematics Education, Instituto Superior Pedagógico Enrique José Varona, La Habana, Cuba. MSc in Mathematics, and PhD in Mathematics Faculty of Mathematics and Computers Sciences at the Universidad de La Habana, Cuba. Current position: professor Faculty of Mathematics and Computers Sciences at the Universidad de La Habana, Cuba.

Reinaldo Rodríguez Ramos

Bachelor in Mathematics Education, Instituto Superior Pedagógico Enrique José Varona, La Habana, Cuba. PhD in Mathematical-Phisycs Sciences, Facultad de Matemática y Mecánica. Universidad Estatal de Moscú, Rusia. Professor Faculty of Mathematics and Computers Sciences at the Universidad de La Habana, Cuba.


Based on the Asymptotic Homogenization Method, the electromechanical global behavior of a two-phase piezoelectric unidirectional periodic fibrous composite is investigated. The composite is made of homogeneous and linear transversely isotropic piezoelectric materials that belong to the symmetry crystal class 622. The cross-sections of the fibers are circular and are centered in a periodic array of rectangular cells. The composite state is anti-plane shear piezoelectric. Local problems that arise from the two-scale analysis using the Asymptotic Homogenization Method are solved by means of a complex variable, leading to an infinite system of algebraic linear equations. This infinite system is solved here using different truncation orders, allowing a numerical study of the effective properties. Some numerical examples are shown.

Key words

Periodic composites, asymptotic homogenization method, effective properties, infinite systems.

1. Introduction

Periodic composite materials made of reinforced unidirectional fibrous embedded in a polymeric matrix are often found in a wide range of applications. An important problem is to compute their global (or effective) properties as a function of the physical and geometric characteristics of the components. The asymptotic homogenization method (AHM) is a mathematical tool for examining both macroscopic and microscopic properties of this class of heterogeneous media and has been applied to many areas. The formal procedure of the AHM is based on the combination of the two-scales method combined with average techniques of the perturbation theory.

From a mathematical point of view, the method guarantees that the solution of a family of problems with periodic and rapidly oscillating coefficients, depending on a microstructural small parameter ε , converges to the solution of the homogenized problem as ε → 0 The coefficients of the homogenized problem are not rapidly oscillating and are called effective coefficients of the composite. However, to compute the effective coefficients it is necessary to solve the so-called local problems, which involves, for instance, partial differential equations with periodic boundary conditions and conditions on the interfaces between the matrix and the fibrous composite. Consequently, AHM provides a mathematical model to give answers to engineering problems but does not provide analytical or numerical algorithms to compute the effective properties.

In this work, AHM is applied to obtain semi- analytical formulae for the elastic, piezoelectric and dielectric permittivity, which represent effective properties of a reinforced composite with circular cylindrical shaped fibers, also with a rectangular array distribution in a matrix. Both, fibers and matrix, are characterized by homogeneous and linear transversely isotropic piezoelectric materials belonging to the symmetry crystal class 622. The results are a generalization of those published in [1], where the same problem on the square periodic cell was investigated.

2 Problem formulation and basic equations

A two-phase fibrous composite consisting of identical circular cylinders embedded in a matrix is considered here. Both components are homogeneous and linear transversely isotropic piezoelectric materials belonging to the symmetry crystal class 622. The axis of transversely symmetry coincides with the fibers direction, which is taken as the Ox3 -axis. The periodic distribution of the fibers follows a rectangular array, as observed in Figure 1. The governing equations are the equilibrium equations of linear elasticity and the quasi-static approximation of Maxwell’s equations in the absence of free conduction currents. For the mechanical displacement, w = (w1 ,w2 ,w3 ) and the electric field E = (E1 , E2 , E3).

The constitutive relations of the linear piezoelectricity theory are as follows:

where σεij ε σ is the stress tensor;∈εij is the linearized strain; and Dεi the electric displacement.

The material properties of the piezoelectric medium are described by the following coefficients: elastic Cεijkl piezoelectric eεikl and dielectric kεij The super-index ε indicates the periodic and rapidly oscillating variation of the original fields. The material functions satisfy the usual symmetry and positivity conditions (see, for instance, [2]). The convention summation over repeated indexes is assumed. The Latin indexes runs from 1 to 3.

The equilibrium equations on the composite are represented by

where fi corresponds to the body forces and the comma notation means partial differentiation. The following geometric relations have been used

where Φε is an electric potential.

Perfect contact conditions are assumed on the interface ∑ ε between the fibers and the matrix:

where n = (n1 ,n2 ) is the outer unit normal vector to ∑ε, and ||•|| = •(1) − •(2) denotes the contrast around ∑ε, taken from the matrix to the fiber.

Equations (1)-(4), are established are established in the region occupied by composite Ωε , which must be completed with appropria ted boundary conditions. For instance, one can assume homogeneous boundary conditions like W1ε = 0, φε = 0, on ∂Ωε Hereinafter, when “the problem (1)-(4), is mentioned”, it means that such homogeneous conditions are considered.

3. Homogenization and models for the local problems and effective coefficients

In this problem the small parameter ε could be considered ε = l/L where l is the distance between the centers of two neighboring cylinders and L is the diameter of the composite. In this type of problem it is possible to distinguish two spatial scales: one of them defined by the global (or slow) variable x , and the other one is the local (or fast) variable y= x/ε

In order to obtain the homogenized problem, the solution of the solution of (1)-(4), is sought is sought as follows:

where w0, w1, φ 0, φ 1 are V - periodic functions with respect to the fast variable y.

Substituting (5) in the problem (1)-(4), applying the chain rule differentiation formula, and equating to zero, the terms corresponding to equal powers of ε(ε-2, ε-1, ε0.....) are obtained, which correspond to a recurrent family of partial differential equations. From the term corresponding to ε-2 it is possible to conclude that w0 and φ0 do not depend on the fast variable, i.e.: w0= w0(x) and φ0 = φ0(x) On the other hand, from the equations associated to ε-1 the local problems are obtained. The solutions to these problems play an important role to compute the effective properties. Finally, working with the system corresponding to ε0 it is possible to derive the “homogenized problem” and the formulae for the computation of the effective coefficients as functions of the solution of the local problems

Summarizing the relevant results, the homogenized problem can be written in the composite Ω0 in the following form:

where the effective coefficients can be calculated from the formulae

where “|” is used to denote partial differentiation with respect to the fast variable yl y whereas the local functions pq M k , pq N, q P k y qQ are the V -periodic solutions of the following local problems on the periodic cell V :