About the Journal
Focus and Scope
Redes de Ingeniería (Networks of Engineering) is an electronic institutional journal belonging to the faculty of engineering of the District University "Francisco José de Caldas". It is a semi-anual journal (published on June and December) which publishes research findings, reviews and reflection articles of the academic and scientific community. It has a purely electronic disclosure system and published only in Spanish.
To publish in the journal Redes de Ingeniería it is nessesary to follow a review process Every article is evaluated by at least two acedemic peers before becoming a candidate for publication. The Editorial Committee, based on the concepts emitted by the reviewers decides the publication of the article in the next issue, this in compliance with the premises defined for the journal.
The Editorial Committee reserves the right to select the papers consigned for publication after consulting at least two referees.
All articles submitted to the journal must be unpublished. No items containing material that has been reported in other publications or who have been offered by the author or authors to other means of national or international distribution for publication. For verification of this criterion we use the TURNITIN software used to detcts plagiarism and any similarity of published works, so it is confirmed that the contribution is unprecedented.
Redes de Ingeniería has a national and international geographical coverage and published on the following areas of engineering:
- telecommunications
- electronics
- systems
- bioengineering
- power
- environment
- education
- industrial
- geomatics
- informatics and Computing
Peer Review Process
All manuscripts are evaluated by a minimum of two academic peers who belonged evaluate the study for publication in the journal Redes de Ingeniería. This process is performed in double blind manner in which the anonymity of both authors and reviewers is preserved. Prior to the evaluation of referees items are subjected to analysis by Turnitin plagiarism tool. The process of evaluation of articles submitted to the journal Redes de Ingeniería detailed below: Receiving items: check that the item meets the filing requirements established by the journal. If the item does not meet the conditions for submitting a mail is sent to the authors notice that the item is not on terms to be received, however if the article presents the conditions of presentation of the journal to the authors notified the article received. The time for this procedure is two weeks from the time the item is shipped. Editorial Review Committee: The received articles are sent to Editorial Committee who will review the content and relevance of the work according to the theme of the journal. If the concept of the Committee does not favor a mail is sent to the authors reporting that the item is not accepted by the arguments that are appended in the review format. Items that were approved by the Editorial Committee began the evaluation process of the journal. Evaluators allocation Pairs: the invitation to the referees suggested by the Editorial Committee will be sent. The authors are recommended to relate two possible evaluators who meet the following conditions (relating the full contact information of potential reviewers in the sent article): • Title Master • Preferably have a different institution to authors • Have publications in the past three years Feedback from evaluations: Reviewers will have a maximum time to send the evaluation of 15 working days. The evaluators will not know the names or affiliations of the authors of the article and also evaluated the authors have no knowledge of the peer reviewers of your article. According to the results of the first round of assessments may occur: • If assessments show a consensus and approve the article with modifications, will be sent to the authors or revisions to perform changes to be sent to the magazine in a maximum of 15 working days. • changes according to the suggestions from peer reviewers should be revised, if all comments are justified in the new version of the article and / or the letter of reply to the reviewers a second concept or a second round is requested if it to be necessary. Otherwise a mail is sent notifying that the new version is not accepted by the above. Note: when the authors do not agree with one or more suggestions assessment should send a letter to sustain them for submission to the editorial board and the respective pairs. • According to the development of the evaluation process of the article may be more than two rounds of evaluation. • If an evaluator rejects the document and the other accepts (with or without modification) will be sent to a third evaluator expert in the subject, who unknowingly decide the approval or not of paper in the journal. |
Completion of the evaluation stage: The journal mails sent to the authors a letter communicating the non-acceptance or publication of the article in the journal.
Journal Redes de Ingeniería
Redes de Ingeniería (Networks of Engineering) is an electronic institutional journal belonging to the faculty of engineering of the District University "Francisco José de Caldas". It is a semi-anual journal (published on June and December) which publishes research findings, reviews and reflection articles of the academic and scientific community. It has a purely electronic disclosure system and published only in Spanish.
The University Distrital Francisco José de Caldas and his Centro de Investigaciones y Desarrollo Científico, finances the production of this journal.
Code of Good Conduct in the Scientific Publishing
Redes de Ingeniería journal promotes and defends the universal principles of good practices of scientific publication, in particular those that refer to respect for the community, respect for the selfless and voluntary work of peer reviewers and editors, and respect for intellectual property.
The journal is therefore committed to high quality standards and considers any form of plagiarism unacceptable, so as to respect copyrights, patent rights, and disclosure; it also seeks to respect the moral rights of third parties. The journal will establish the processes necessary to avoid and resolve possible conflicts of interest in the publications. To this end, the following link contains the practices considered inappropriate and not tolerated by the Editorial Committee of the Journal.
Authors wishing to submit articles shall adhere to the Publication Standards and the Code of Good Publication Practices of Redes de Ingeniería Journal. All manuscripts are checked by Turnitin, the plagiarism detection tool.
The journal follows the guidelines established by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) on problems or misconduct
Code of Good Publication Practices of Redes de Ingeniería Journal
Conflict of Interest
Redes de Ingeniería journal will establish the necessary mechanisms to avoid or resolve possible conflicts of interest between authors, evaluators and / or the editorial team itself. For example, the journal in the evaluation process reviews that the evaluators do not have any type of conflict of interest.