Optimization of a neural architecture for the direct control of a Boost converter


  • Fredy Hernán Martínez Sarmiento Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas
  • Diego Fernando Gomez Molano Wood Group ESP
  • Mariela Castiblanco Ortiz Distrital University "Francisco Jose de Caldas"


Resumen (es)

In research related to control of DC/DC converters, artifi cial intelligence techniques are a great improvement  in  the  design  and  performance. However, some of these tools require the use of trial and error strategies in the design, making it diffi cult to obtain an optimal structure. In this pa-per, we propose a direct control based on artifi cial neural network, whose design has been optimized using  bio-inspired  searching  strategies,  with  the idea of    optimizing simultaneously two different but important aspects of the network: architecture and  weights  connections.  The  control  was  successfully  applied  to  a  boost  type  converter. The results obtained allow us to observe the dynamic performance of the scheme, in which the response time  and  variation  in  the  output  voltage  can  be concluded  that  the  criteria  used  for  the  control loop design were appropriate.

Biografía del autor/a

Fredy Hernán Martínez Sarmiento, Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas

Ingeniero electricista. Docente de la Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas. Bogotá.

Diego Fernando Gomez Molano, Wood Group ESP

Distribution and Power Networks engineer, Master student in Electrical Engineer. Wood Group ESP Bogotá. Bogotá.

Mariela Castiblanco Ortiz, Distrital University "Francisco Jose de Caldas"

Electronic Engineer, master candidate in industrial Automation. Professor at the Distrital University Francisco Jose de Caldas. Bogotá.

Cómo citar


Martínez Sarmiento, F. H., Gomez Molano, D. F., y Castiblanco Ortiz, M. (2012). Optimization of a neural architecture for the direct control of a Boost converter. Tecnura, 16(32), 41–49. https://doi.org/10.14483/udistrital.jour.tecnura.2012.2.a03


Martínez Sarmiento, F.H. et al. 2012. Optimization of a neural architecture for the direct control of a Boost converter. Tecnura. 16, 32 (abr. 2012), 41–49. DOI:https://doi.org/10.14483/udistrital.jour.tecnura.2012.2.a03.


Martínez Sarmiento, F. H.; Gomez Molano, D. F.; Castiblanco Ortiz, M. Optimization of a neural architecture for the direct control of a Boost converter. Tecnura 2012, 16, 41-49.


MARTÍNEZ SARMIENTO, Fredy Hernán; GOMEZ MOLANO, Diego Fernando; CASTIBLANCO ORTIZ, Mariela. Optimization of a neural architecture for the direct control of a Boost converter. Tecnura, [S. l.], v. 16, n. 32, p. 41–49, 2012. DOI: 10.14483/udistrital.jour.tecnura.2012.2.a03. Disponível em: https://revistas.udistrital.edu.co/index.php/Tecnura/article/view/6772. Acesso em: 12 feb. 2025.


Martínez Sarmiento, Fredy Hernán, Diego Fernando Gomez Molano, y Mariela Castiblanco Ortiz. 2012. «Optimization of a neural architecture for the direct control of a Boost converter». Tecnura 16 (32):41-49. https://doi.org/10.14483/udistrital.jour.tecnura.2012.2.a03.


Martínez Sarmiento, F. H., Gomez Molano, D. F. y Castiblanco Ortiz, M. (2012) «Optimization of a neural architecture for the direct control of a Boost converter», Tecnura, 16(32), pp. 41–49. doi: 10.14483/udistrital.jour.tecnura.2012.2.a03.


F. H. Martínez Sarmiento, D. F. Gomez Molano, y M. Castiblanco Ortiz, «Optimization of a neural architecture for the direct control of a Boost converter», Tecnura, vol. 16, n.º 32, pp. 41–49, abr. 2012.


Martínez Sarmiento, Fredy Hernán, et al. «Optimization of a neural architecture for the direct control of a Boost converter». Tecnura, vol. 16, n.º 32, abril de 2012, pp. 41-49, doi:10.14483/udistrital.jour.tecnura.2012.2.a03.


Martínez Sarmiento, Fredy Hernán, Diego Fernando Gomez Molano, y Mariela Castiblanco Ortiz. «Optimization of a neural architecture for the direct control of a Boost converter». Tecnura 16, no. 32 (abril 1, 2012): 41–49. Accedido febrero 12, 2025. https://revistas.udistrital.edu.co/index.php/Tecnura/article/view/6772.


Martínez Sarmiento FH, Gomez Molano DF, Castiblanco Ortiz M. Optimization of a neural architecture for the direct control of a Boost converter. Tecnura [Internet]. 1 de abril de 2012 [citado 12 de febrero de 2025];16(32):41-9. Disponible en: https://revistas.udistrital.edu.co/index.php/Tecnura/article/view/6772

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Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas