


Vol. 18 (2014): Special Edition Doctorate



Decision-making model for the development of productive capacity as a component of a knowledge management system

Modelo de toma de decisiones para el desarrollo de la capacidad productiva como componente de un sistema de gestión del conocimiento


  • César Amílcar López Bello District University Francisco José de Caldas
  • Victor Hugo Medina García District University Francisco José de Caldas
  • Lorna Udden Staffordshire University

Palabras clave:

Business Intelligence, Decision Support System, Capacity Management, knowledge management system (es).

Resumen (en)

This paper presents a model of mixed integer programming optimization, used to themanagement and development of productive capacity; it is also used for planning andformulation of strategies for expanding and adjusting organizational activities in the mediumand long term.

The model constitutes an element of organizational intelligence and is part of the systemof decision support; it provides a tool for analysis and processing of information and helpdecision makers to act in an efficient and effective way to solve problems development ofproductive capacity.

Furthermore, in the article to assess the relevance and consistency of the model presents aprototypemanufacturing organization in a scenario that requires the development of capacityin terms of growth in demand for goods and services offered.

Resumen (es)

Este artículo presenta un modelo de optimización de programación de enteros mixtos, utilizado para la gestión y el desarrollo de la capacidad productiva; también se utiliza para planificar y formular estrategias para ampliar y ajustar las actividades de la organización a mediano y largo plazo. El modelo constituye un elemento de inteligencia organizacional y es parte del sistema de apoyo a la decisión; proporciona una herramienta para el análisis y procesamiento de información y ayuda a los responsables de la toma de decisiones para actuar de una manera eficiente y efectiva para resolver problemas de desarrollo de capacidad productiva. Además, en el artículo para evaluar la relevancia y consistencia del modelo se presenta una organización de fabricación de aprototipos en un escenario que requiere el desarrollo de la capacidad en términos de crecimiento de la demanda de bienes y servicios ofrecidos.

Biografía del autor/a

César Amílcar López Bello, District University Francisco José de Caldas

Industrial Engineer, Specialization in production engineering, Master of industrial engineering professor Faculty of Engineering. District University Francisco José de Caldas. Bogotá.

Victor Hugo Medina García, District University Francisco José de Caldas

Systems Engineer, Specialization in Marketing, MSc in Information Technology, MSc in Management of Web sites, PhD. in Computer Engineering Professor and Director of the Extension Unit of the Faculty of Engineering District University Francisco José de Caldas. Bogotá.

Lorna Udden, Staffordshire University

B. Sc. (Hons) Computer Science, B.A. (open) (Open University), PhD. “Courseware Engineering Methodology for Technology-based Learning” Emeritus Professor of Information Technology System Staffordshire University. Staffordshire.


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Cómo citar


López Bello, C. A., Medina García, V. H., y Udden, L. (2014). Decision-making model for the development of productive capacity as a component of a knowledge management system. Tecnura, 18, 16–29.


López Bello, C.A. et al. 2014. Decision-making model for the development of productive capacity as a component of a knowledge management system. Tecnura. 18, (dic. 2014), 16–29. DOI:


López Bello, C. A.; Medina García, V. H.; Udden, L. Decision-making model for the development of productive capacity as a component of a knowledge management system. Tecnura 2014, 18, 16-29.


LÓPEZ BELLO, César Amílcar; MEDINA GARCÍA, Victor Hugo; UDDEN, Lorna. Decision-making model for the development of productive capacity as a component of a knowledge management system. Tecnura, [S. l.], v. 18, p. 16–29, 2014. DOI: 10.14483/22487638.9238. Disponível em: Acesso em: 29 mar. 2025.


López Bello, César Amílcar, Victor Hugo Medina García, y Lorna Udden. 2014. «Decision-making model for the development of productive capacity as a component of a knowledge management system». Tecnura 18 (diciembre):16-29.


López Bello, C. A., Medina García, V. H. y Udden, L. (2014) «Decision-making model for the development of productive capacity as a component of a knowledge management system», Tecnura, 18, pp. 16–29. doi: 10.14483/22487638.9238.


C. A. López Bello, V. H. Medina García, y L. Udden, «Decision-making model for the development of productive capacity as a component of a knowledge management system», Tecnura, vol. 18, pp. 16–29, dic. 2014.


López Bello, César Amílcar, et al. «Decision-making model for the development of productive capacity as a component of a knowledge management system». Tecnura, vol. 18, diciembre de 2014, pp. 16-29, doi:10.14483/22487638.9238.


López Bello, César Amílcar, Victor Hugo Medina García, y Lorna Udden. «Decision-making model for the development of productive capacity as a component of a knowledge management system». Tecnura 18 (diciembre 1, 2014): 16–29. Accedido marzo 29, 2025.


López Bello CA, Medina García VH, Udden L. Decision-making model for the development of productive capacity as a component of a knowledge management system. Tecnura [Internet]. 1 de diciembre de 2014 [citado 29 de marzo de 2025];18:16-29. Disponible en:

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