


Vol. 18 (2014): Special Edition Doctorate



Synthesis and characterization of In(O;OH)S/AgInS2 interface heterojunction

Síntesis y caracterización de la heterounión de la interfaz In (O; OH) S / AgInS2


  • william vallejo Universidad de Atlántico
  • Carlos Díaz Uribe Universidad Industrial de Santander
  • Carlos Andrés Arredondo Universidad de Medellin
  • Mario Alberto Luna Universidad de Medellin
  • Johann Hernández University Distrital Francisco José de Caldas
  • Gerardo Gordillo Universidad Nacional de Colombia

Palabras clave:

Absorber layerthin film, AgInS2, buffer layer, In(O, OH)S, Optic window, solar cells. (en).

Resumen (en)

In this work,we presented some complementary studies for In(O,OH)S thin films deposited on AgInS2 thin films to fabricate a new system absorbent-layer/buffer-layer to be used in tandem and/or in one-junction solar cells. As showed in previous works carried out for us, AgInS2layers were grown by co-evaporation from metal precursors in a two-step process; and In(O,OH)S thin films were deposited by Chemical Bath deposition.X-ray diffraction measurements indicated that AgInS2 thin film grown with chalcopyrite structure; and In(O,OH)S films grown with polycrystalline structure.The AgInS2thin films presented p-type conductivity, andfrom tranductance measurements it was found a high absorption coefficient (greater than 104 cm−1) and an energy band gap of 1.95 eV; and In(O,OH),S thin films presented Egabout 3.01 eV;morphological analysis indicated that under this synthesis conditions,In(O,OH)S thin films coated completely the AgInS2absorber layer. Finally, in this work, the Avrami-Erofeev equation was used to study In(O,OH)S thin film growth rate on AgInS2 substrate. Results indicate that the developed system can be used in single-junction and multiple junction solar cells.

Resumen (es)

En este trabajo, presentamos algunos estudios complementarios para las películas delgadas In (O, OH) S depositadas en películas delgadas AgInS2 para fabricar un nuevo sistema de capa absorbente / capa buffer que se utilizará en tándem y / o en células solares de una unión. Como se demostró en trabajos previos llevados a cabo para nosotros, las capas de AgInS2 se cultivaron por co-evaporación a partir de precursores de metal en un proceso de dos pasos; y en (O, OH) S las películas delgadas se depositaron mediante deposición de baño químico. Las mediciones de difracción de rayos X indicaron que la película delgada de AgInS2 crecía con estructura de calcopirita; e In (O, OH) películas S crecidas con estructura policristalina. Las películas delgadas AgInS2 presentaron conductividad de tipo p, y desde las mediciones de tranductancia se encontró un alto coeficiente de absorción (mayor de 104 cm-1) y un intervalo de banda de energía de 1.95 eV ; y en (O, OH), las películas delgadas  S presentaron Egabout 3.01 eV, el análisis morfológico indicó que bajo estas condiciones de síntesis, las películas delgadas en (O, OH) S recubrieron completamente la capa absorbente AgInS2. Finalmente, en este trabajo, se utilizó la ecuación de Avrami-Erofeev para estudiar la velocidad de crecimiento de la película fina In (O, OH) S sobre el sustrato AgInS2. Los resultados indican que el sistema desarrollado se puede usar en células solares de unión única y unión múltiple.

Biografía del autor/a

william vallejo, Universidad de Atlántico

He received his PhD in Chemistry (solar energy materials and solar cells) in 2011 from Universidad Nacional de Colombia. He is an associate professor of Chemistry program at Universidad del Atlántico from 2012. His main research interest areas are synthesis and characterization of PV Materials.

Carlos Díaz Uribe, Universidad Industrial de Santander

He received his PhD in Chemistry in 2010 from Universidad Industrial de Santander. He is an assistant professor of Chemistry program at Universidad de Atlántico from 2012; currently, he is director of research group in Fotochemistry and Fotobiology.

Carlos Andrés Arredondo, Universidad de Medellin

Electrical Engineer, PhD in Physics (solar energy materials and solar cells) from Universidad Nacional de Colombia. Assistant professor of the energy engineering program at Universidad de Medellín from 2012, and researcher of the Grupo de Investigación en Energía – GRINEN of the same university. The main research interest areas are: PV systems and materials for solar cells, and renewable energy systems implementation
on rural and urban areas. Medellín.

Mario Alberto Luna, Universidad de Medellin

Environmental and Sanitary Engineer, PhD in Environmental Conservation (focused on renewable energy) in 2011 at the Estonian University of Life Sciences from Tartu, Estonia; in 2009 received the master degree in Environmental Sciences and Territory Management at Institute Súperier                 d´Agriculture from Lille, Francia. Researcher/lecturer at Universidad de Medellín since 2012. The interested work area is focused on the implementation of renewable energy systems on urban and rural areas. Medellín.

Johann Hernández, University Distrital Francisco José de Caldas

Electrical Engineer. MSc and PhD degrees in Electrical Engineering from Universidad Nacional de Colombia in 2007 and 2012, respectively. In 2009 he joined the staff of the Department of Electrical Engineering at Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas, where he works currently as Associate Professor and director member of Laboratory in Alternative Energy Sources (LIFAE). His research interests include power quality, photovoltaic systems, distributed generation, microgrids and energy efficiency.

Gerardo Gordillo, Universidad Nacional de Colombia

Bachelor in Physics. MSc in Physics from Universidad Nacional de Colombia in 1974. PhD degree in Electronic-Physics from Stuttgart University, Germany, in 1984. He is currently a professor with the Department of Physics at Universidad Nacional de Colombia. His research fields are thin film photovoltaics devices and photovoltaic generation systems.


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Cómo citar


vallejo, william, Díaz Uribe, C., Arredondo, C. A., Luna, M. A., Hernández, J., y Gordillo, G. (2014). Synthesis and characterization of In(O;OH)S/AgInS2 interface heterojunction. Tecnura, 18, 30–40.


vallejo, william et al. 2014. Synthesis and characterization of In(O;OH)S/AgInS2 interface heterojunction. Tecnura. 18, (dic. 2014), 30–40. DOI:


vallejo, william; Díaz Uribe, C.; Arredondo, C. A.; Luna, M. A.; Hernández, J.; Gordillo, G. Synthesis and characterization of In(O;OH)S/AgInS2 interface heterojunction. Tecnura 2014, 18, 30-40.


VALLEJO, William; DÍAZ URIBE, Carlos; ARREDONDO, Carlos Andrés; LUNA, Mario Alberto; HERNÁNDEZ, Johann; GORDILLO, Gerardo. Synthesis and characterization of In(O;OH)S/AgInS2 interface heterojunction. Tecnura, [S. l.], v. 18, p. 30–40, 2014. DOI: 10.14483/22487638.9240. Disponível em: Acesso em: 26 dic. 2024.


vallejo, william, Carlos Díaz Uribe, Carlos Andrés Arredondo, Mario Alberto Luna, Johann Hernández, y Gerardo Gordillo. 2014. «Synthesis and characterization of In(O;OH)S/AgInS2 interface heterojunction». Tecnura 18 (diciembre):30-40.


vallejo, william (2014) «Synthesis and characterization of In(O;OH)S/AgInS2 interface heterojunction», Tecnura, 18, pp. 30–40. doi: 10.14483/22487638.9240.


william vallejo, C. Díaz Uribe, C. A. Arredondo, M. A. Luna, J. Hernández, y G. Gordillo, «Synthesis and characterization of In(O;OH)S/AgInS2 interface heterojunction», Tecnura, vol. 18, pp. 30–40, dic. 2014.


vallejo, william, et al. «Synthesis and characterization of In(O;OH)S/AgInS2 interface heterojunction». Tecnura, vol. 18, diciembre de 2014, pp. 30-40, doi:10.14483/22487638.9240.


vallejo, william, Carlos Díaz Uribe, Carlos Andrés Arredondo, Mario Alberto Luna, Johann Hernández, y Gerardo Gordillo. «Synthesis and characterization of In(O;OH)S/AgInS2 interface heterojunction». Tecnura 18 (diciembre 1, 2014): 30–40. Accedido diciembre 26, 2024.


vallejo william, Díaz Uribe C, Arredondo CA, Luna MA, Hernández J, Gordillo G. Synthesis and characterization of In(O;OH)S/AgInS2 interface heterojunction. Tecnura [Internet]. 1 de diciembre de 2014 [citado 26 de diciembre de 2024];18:30-4. Disponible en:

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Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas