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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The petition has not been previously published, nor has it been submitted to another journal (or an explanation provided in Comment to the publisher).
  • The file sent is in OpenOffice, Microsoft Word, RTF, or WordPerfect format.
  • Web addresses have been added for references where possible.
  • Text has simple line spacing; The font size is 12 points; Italics are used instead of underlining (excepting URLs); And all illustrations, figures and tables are within the text in the place that corresponds to them and not at the end of the whole.
  • The text meets the bibliographic and style requirements indicated in the Rules for authors, which can be found in About the journal.
  • If you are submitting to a section of the peer reviewed journal, you must ensure that the instructions in Securing a blind review have been followed.

Author Guidelines

General parameters, required by the editorial committee, for the publication of articles.
The following are the guidelines that act as a regulation for the postulation of articles to the Editorial Committee of the magazine.

1. Types of documents accepted

Considering the current requirements of Colciencias for indexing the journals in the National Index of Scientific and Technological Publications, unpublished articles of the following types may be postulated:

• Articles of scientific and technological research: a document that presents, in a carved way, the original results of research projects. The generally used structure contains four important aspects: introduction, methodology, results and conclusions

• Articles of reflection: document presenting research results from an analytical, interpretative or critical perspective of the author, on a specific topic, using original sources

• Review article: document resulting from a research that analyzes, systematizes and integrates the results of published or unpublished research, on a field in science or technology, in order to account for advances and development trends. It is characterized by a careful bibliographic review.

2. some formal aspects of the journal

Let the articles be written for an international audience, avoiding excessive centralization in strictly local or particular experiences.

Use structures of simple sentences, avoiding too long or complex.

The vocabulary used should be basic and common. The technical terms should be explained briefly; Also, the meaning of the acronyms must be presented the first time they appear in the text.

Authors are responsible for their work being conducted in a professional and ethical manner.
3. Extension of documents

Articles submitted to the journal must have a minimum of 15 pages in length

4. Presentation format

The documents must be delivered in printed medium and medium magnetic, letter size, elaborated in Word for Windows or superior. The fingering must be done in Times New Roman font of 12 points, double space, a column and all margins of 2 cms

The title of the article should be short or divided in title and subtitle, written in Spanish and in English in capital letters, and attractive to the potential reader. After that, the author's full name, accompanied by the basic biographical data at the bottom of the page (profession and university of which he is a graduate, postgraduate degrees, place of work) and the electronic address

All figures, tables and graphs must be made in grayscale, be included in the magnetic medium, clearly numbered and titled. In addition, they should be located in the place closest to where they are cited. When it comes to figures, their good resolution (minimum 266 dpi) should be guaranteed on any type of paper; For the case of tables and graphs, should not be inserted as images, considering that in this format they can not be modified. The figures tables and graphs must be delivered in a file independent of the article

When articles include equations, they must be drawn up in an appropriate equation editor and compatible with the "Page Maker" software package, such as the Windows equation editor

5. Structure of the document

For the presentation of the content it is recommended to use several subtitles, starting with one of introduction and ending with another one of conclusions.

The text of the article should be accompanied by a summary of a maximum of 150 words translated into English, four key words in Spanish and four in English

Footnotes should be for clarification purposes only. For example:

1. It is expected that the promulgation of these will generate debate and discussion in different educational circles.

According to the regulations of the APA, the use of bibliographical references in the text of the article should be done by quoting in parentheses the surname of the author, the year of publication of the book and the page. For example:

Recent studies show that the contributions of behavioral psychology seriously questioned by experts in the subject (Villar, 1995: 85)

Full bibliographic references should only be included at the end of the article and should only include specific literature on the subject. The following examples are presented below (Lazcano, 1994):

Book with an author:

Book with two authors:

Browne, D. R. (1989). The experience of six industrialized nations. Ames, Iowa: Iowa State University Press.

Siune, K. and Truetzschler, W. (1992). Media Policies Dynamics: Electronic broadcasting and media in Western Europe

: The Euromedia Handbook (1993 reprinting). Newbury Park, Ca: Wise Publications.

Journal article with an author:

Wishnevsky, still J. average (1993, May). Far from free. Report 2 (20), 86-91 From the Rfe / rl Research

A document on a website:

Rosenbaum, J. (1990, November). Discustible or cozy ?: community and county radio in the Republic of Ireland. The paper presented to the Roy H. Park School of the colloquium of the faculty of communications, University of Ithaca, Ithaca, NY. Extracted from the World Wide Web:

All bibliographical references should be ordered alphabetically, by the surname of the first author.

6. Selection procedure

Considering the annual periodicity of the magazine, the Editorial Committee makes an annual call for the reception of articles, approximately in the 20th week of each year (May). The articles will be received until the maximum established date, provided they comply with all the elements of the checklist that is presented in the annex.

Upon receipt, the texts received will be submitted to the evaluation of two academic pairs; Gradually, it is hoped that a greater number of external pairs will participate in the process. Once received the concepts emitted by the pairs, the Editorial Committee makes the decisions about the priority of publication of the articles, considering the adequate feeding of the different sections of the magazine, the total space available and the extension of each article accepted.

In some cases, the Committee may accept the article with some modifications, or may suggest a different form of presentation or organization. In all cases decisions are notified in written form, as a feedback to the authors of the writings.

Bibliographic references

Page 2 International Publication Standards APA (American Psychological Association), Extracted from the World Wide Web: ext / psychology / archives / standards_of_publicacion_de_la_apa.htm


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