Development of a uml framework for smart cities with forecasting electrical consumption in Colombia

Desarrollo de un marco uml para ciudades inteligentes con proyección de consumo eléctrico en Colombia


  • Ricardo Alirio González Bustamante Autonomous University of Colombia
  • Roberto Ferro Escobar University Francisco José de Caldas.
  • Giovanni Tarazona Bermúdez University Francisco José de Caldas

Palabras clave:

ARIMA, Framework, Gretl, Smart cities, UML, WSN (en).

Palabras clave:

ARIMA, Framework, Gretl, Smart cities, UML, WSN. (es).

Resumen (en)

The following article describes a proposal that aims to plan and develop a framework for Smart cities using modeling by UML through the Colos­sus software tool. Further design analysis applied to Smart cities based on wireless sensor networks is developed.


The analysis is proposed using ARIMA time series for finding a correlation of consumption of electri­city in 50 Colombian homes and a possible forecast if it were used iInternet of things (IoT) as a possible method to save on electrical energy consumption.


Resumen (es)

El siguiente artículo describe una propuesta que tiene como objetivo planificar y desarrollar un marco para ciudades inteligentes utilizando modelado por UML a través de la herramienta de software Colossus. Se desarrollan análisis de diseño adicionales aplicados a ciudades inteligentes basadas en redes de sensores inalámbricos.

El análisis se propone utilizando series cronológicas ARIMA para encontrar una correlación del consumo de electricidad en 50 hogares colombianos y un posible pronóstico si se utilizara el Internet de las cosas (IoT) como un posible método para ahorrar en el consumo de energía eléctrica. 

Biografía del autor/a

Ricardo Alirio González Bustamante, Autonomous University of Colombia

Electronic Engineer, Master in Teleinformática. PhD Student, Teacher-researcher at the Autonomous University of Colombia. Faculty of Engineering. Bogotá.

Roberto Ferro Escobar, University Francisco José de Caldas.

Electronic Engineer, PhD in Computer Engineering. PhD Coordinator, District University Francisco José de Caldas. Faculty of Engineering. Bogotá.

Giovanni Tarazona Bermúdez, University Francisco José de Caldas

Systems Engineer, PhD in Software Engineering, District University Francisco José de Caldas. Faculty of Engineering, Bogotá.


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Cómo citar


González Bustamante, R. A., Ferro Escobar, R., y Tarazona Bermúdez, G. (2014). Development of a uml framework for smart cities with forecasting electrical consumption in Colombia. Tecnura, 18, 109–123.


González Bustamante, R.A. et al. 2014. Development of a uml framework for smart cities with forecasting electrical consumption in Colombia. Tecnura. 18, (dic. 2014), 109–123. DOI:


González Bustamante, R. A.; Ferro Escobar, R.; Tarazona Bermúdez, G. Development of a uml framework for smart cities with forecasting electrical consumption in Colombia. Tecnura 2014, 18, 109-123.


GONZÁLEZ BUSTAMANTE, Ricardo Alirio; FERRO ESCOBAR, Roberto; TARAZONA BERMÚDEZ, Giovanni. Development of a uml framework for smart cities with forecasting electrical consumption in Colombia. Tecnura, [S. l.], v. 18, p. 109–123, 2014. DOI: 10.14483/22487638.9248. Disponível em: Acesso em: 25 mar. 2025.


González Bustamante, Ricardo Alirio, Roberto Ferro Escobar, y Giovanni Tarazona Bermúdez. 2014. «Development of a uml framework for smart cities with forecasting electrical consumption in Colombia». Tecnura 18 (diciembre):109-23.


González Bustamante, R. A., Ferro Escobar, R. y Tarazona Bermúdez, G. (2014) «Development of a uml framework for smart cities with forecasting electrical consumption in Colombia», Tecnura, 18, pp. 109–123. doi: 10.14483/22487638.9248.


R. A. González Bustamante, R. Ferro Escobar, y G. Tarazona Bermúdez, «Development of a uml framework for smart cities with forecasting electrical consumption in Colombia», Tecnura, vol. 18, pp. 109–123, dic. 2014.


González Bustamante, Ricardo Alirio, et al. «Development of a uml framework for smart cities with forecasting electrical consumption in Colombia». Tecnura, vol. 18, diciembre de 2014, pp. 109-23, doi:10.14483/22487638.9248.


González Bustamante, Ricardo Alirio, Roberto Ferro Escobar, y Giovanni Tarazona Bermúdez. «Development of a uml framework for smart cities with forecasting electrical consumption in Colombia». Tecnura 18 (diciembre 1, 2014): 109–123. Accedido marzo 25, 2025.


González Bustamante RA, Ferro Escobar R, Tarazona Bermúdez G. Development of a uml framework for smart cities with forecasting electrical consumption in Colombia. Tecnura [Internet]. 1 de diciembre de 2014 [citado 25 de marzo de 2025];18:109-23. Disponible en:

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