Application of machine learning for predictions of consecutive dependent data of type {[(a, b)->c]->d}

Aplicación de machine learning para predicciones de datos dependientes consecutivos de tipo {[(a, b)->c]->d}



algorithms, datasets, decision trees, Python, prediction, scikit-learn, linear regression (en).


algoritmos, datasets, árboles de decisión, Python, scikit-learn, regresión lineal (es).


Abstract (en)

Objective: Machine learning techniques have emerged in response to the desire for automatic pattern detection withindatasets in fields such as statistics, mathematics, and data analytics. They allow for the extraction of relevant informationfrom datasets of significantly large volumes, providing the possibility of making predictions. This paper presents an application focused on decision trees, linear regression, and random forest regression algorithms to predict final data fromconsecutive dependent data of type {[(a, b) → c] → D}.

Methodology: The study adopts a quantitative research design, which takes as input datasets based on interval data. It utilizes a correlational research model by implementing Python and its Scikit-Learn library, which includes various algorithms for prediction. Specifically, we compare the application of decision trees, linear regression, and random forest regression on the same set of datasets, but with a characteristic of dependency between them.

Results: Upon application of the proposed model, it yields an estimated prediction score, which indicates the accuracy of the model concerning the data provided.

Conclusions: The application of a complex algorithm does not inherently guarantee a higher rate of accuracy. Conversely, configuring the model correctly, training multiple trees, or adjusting parameter values can significantly enhance the obtained results

Abstract (es)

Objetivo: Las técnicas de Machine Learning surgen como una respuesta al deseo de detectar automáticamente patrones en un conjunto de datos (datasets) en campos como la estadística, la matemática y la analítica de datos, permitiendo extraer información relevante de datasets de volúmenes significativamente grandes y realizar predicciones. Éste artículo presenta una aplicación enfocada en los algoritmos de árboles de decisión, regresión lineal y regresión aleatoria de tipo bosque para predecir un dato final a partir de datos dependientes consecutivos de tipo {[(a, b) → c] → D}.

Metodología: Se parte de un diseño de investigación cuantitativo, que toma como insumo unos datasets basados en datos de intervalo, establecidos en un modelo de investigación correlacional al aplicar Python y su librería Scikit-learn. Esta biblioteca incluye diferentes algoritmos que pueden ser utilizados para realizar predicciones. En este caso, se compara la aplicación de árboles de decisión, regresión lineal y regresión aleatoria de tipo bosque sobre un mismo grupo de datasets, pero que tienen una característica de dependencia entre ellos.

Resultados: Cuando se aplica el modelo propuesto, este genera un puntaje estimado de la predicción, el cual indica la precisión del modelo respecto a los datos entregados.

Conclusiones: La aplicación de un algoritmo complejo no garantiza un mayor índice de precisión; por el contrario, configurar de manera correcta el modelo, entrenando múltiples árboles o cambiando los valores de los parámetros mejora en gran medida los resultados obtenidos

Author Biographies

Diego Alexander Quevedo Piratova, Fundación Universitaria Compensar

Magister in Educational Technology, Master's in Innovative Media for Education. Graduate in Technological Design, systems engineering student. Research professor at the School of Engineering of the Compensar University Foundation. Bogotá, Colombia

Jhon Uberney Londoño Villalba, Corporación Unificada Nacional de Educación Superior

Master in Educational Technology Management, Specialist in Virtual Learning Environments. Graduated in Technological Design, systems engineering student. Research professor of the AXON research group attached to the systems engineering program of the engineering school of the National Unified Corporation for Higher Education CUN. Bogotá Colombia.

Arnaldo Andres Gonzalez Gomez, Corporación Unificada Nacional de Educación Superior

Electronic Engineer graduated from the Francisco José de Caldas District University, specializing in Data Analytics. Research professor of the AXON research group assigned to the systems engineering program of the engineering school of the National Unified Corporation for Higher Education CUN . Bogotá Colombia.


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How to Cite


Quevedo Piratova, D. A., Londoño Villalba, J. U., and Gonzalez Gomez, A. A. (2024). Application of machine learning for predictions of consecutive dependent data of type {[(a, b)->c]->d}. Tecnura, 28(79), 66–86.


Quevedo Piratova, D.A. et al. 2024. Application of machine learning for predictions of consecutive dependent data of type {[(a, b)->c]->d}. Tecnura. 28, 79 (Oct. 2024), 66–86. DOI:


Quevedo Piratova, D. A.; Londoño Villalba, J. U.; Gonzalez Gomez, A. A. Application of machine learning for predictions of consecutive dependent data of type {[(a, b)->c]->d}. Tecnura 2024, 28, 66-86.


QUEVEDO PIRATOVA, Diego Alexander; LONDOÑO VILLALBA, Jhon Uberney; GONZALEZ GOMEZ, Arnaldo Andres. Application of machine learning for predictions of consecutive dependent data of type {[(a, b)->c]->d}. Tecnura, [S. l.], v. 28, n. 79, p. 66–86, 2024. DOI: 10.14483/22487638.22094. Disponível em: Acesso em: 6 mar. 2025.


Quevedo Piratova, Diego Alexander, Jhon Uberney Londoño Villalba, and Arnaldo Andres Gonzalez Gomez. 2024. “Application of machine learning for predictions of consecutive dependent data of type {[(a, b)->c]->d}”. Tecnura 28 (79):66-86.


Quevedo Piratova, D. A., Londoño Villalba, J. U. and Gonzalez Gomez, A. A. (2024) “Application of machine learning for predictions of consecutive dependent data of type {[(a, b)->c]->d}”, Tecnura, 28(79), pp. 66–86. doi: 10.14483/22487638.22094.


D. A. Quevedo Piratova, J. U. Londoño Villalba, and A. A. Gonzalez Gomez, “Application of machine learning for predictions of consecutive dependent data of type {[(a, b)->c]->d}”, Tecnura, vol. 28, no. 79, pp. 66–86, Oct. 2024.


Quevedo Piratova, Diego Alexander, et al. “Application of machine learning for predictions of consecutive dependent data of type {[(a, b)->c]->d}”. Tecnura, vol. 28, no. 79, Oct. 2024, pp. 66-86, doi:10.14483/22487638.22094.


Quevedo Piratova, Diego Alexander, Jhon Uberney Londoño Villalba, and Arnaldo Andres Gonzalez Gomez. “Application of machine learning for predictions of consecutive dependent data of type {[(a, b)->c]->d}”. Tecnura 28, no. 79 (October 27, 2024): 66–86. Accessed March 6, 2025.


Quevedo Piratova DA, Londoño Villalba JU, Gonzalez Gomez AA. Application of machine learning for predictions of consecutive dependent data of type {[(a, b)->c]->d}. Tecnura [Internet]. 2024 Oct. 27 [cited 2025 Mar. 6];28(79):66-8. Available from:

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