


v. 17 n. 2 (2020)


Actualidad Tecnológica

Short-term temperature variability in a tropical Andean city Manizales, Colombia

Variabilidad de temperatura a corto plazo en una ciudad andina tropical Manizales, Colombia



Ciclo diurno, ciclo mensual, ciudad tropical andina (es).


Day-night cycle, Monthly cycle, tropical Andean city (en).

Resumo (en)

The climatic variability in the Tropical Andes area is high, both spatially and temporally, and its analysis must be carried out both in the short and long term depending on the available information. This type of spatial-temporal analysis provides tools for planning and environmental management in urban areas, given its high complexity. This investigation focuses on a diagnosis of the diurnal cycle and the analysis of the monthly temperature structure in 13 stations located in the city of Manizales, Caldas (Colombia). This applied research aims to understand the behavior of the temperature in a tropical Andes city in Colombia, where the spatial-temporal complexity of this variable improve the urban and hydrological planning strategies. Results correspond to what has been previously defined by other authors for the Andean zone: city temperature shows very stable patrons, yet important variations in temperature range across the city are appreciated during the day.

Resumo (es)

La variabilidad climática en las zonas tropicales andinas es alta, tanto espacial como temporalmente, y su análisis se debe realizar tanto en el corto plazo como en el largo plazo, dependiendo de la información disponible. Este tipo de análisis conjunto espacio-temporal proporciona herramientas para la planificación y la gestión ambiental en las zonas urbanas, dada la alta complejidad que se presentan en la zona. Esta investigación se centra en un diagnóstico del ciclo diurno y el análisis de la estructura mensual de la temperatura en 13 estaciones localizadas en la ciudad de Manizales, Caldas (Colombia). El comportamiento encontrado se corresponde con lo definido previamente por otros autores para la zona andina, es decir la temperatura en la ciudad presenta patrones muy estables, pero a nivel intra-diario se aprecian variaciones importantes en la amplitud de la temperatura a lo largo y ancho de la ciudad y durante el día.

Biografia do Autor

Victor Delgado, Universidad Nacional de Colombia

BSc. in Civil Engineering from the Universidad Nacional de Colombia sede Manizales, Colombia. His research interests include: hydrological processes and GIS applied to hydrology.

Jorge Julian Vélez Upegui, Universidad Nacional de Colombia

BSc. Eng. in Civil Engineering in 1993 from the Universidad Nacional de Colombia Sede Medellin, and the PhD in Water Resources Management in 2003 from the Universidad Politécnica de Valencia, Spain. From 1993 to 1997, he worked for hydrology and hydraulics consulting companies since 1997 for the Universidad Politécnica de Valencia as research assistant. Since 2006 is a full professor in the Civil Engineer Department, Facultad de Ingeniería y Arquitectura, Universidad Nacional de Colombia, sede Manizales, Colombia. His research interests include: water resources management, hydrological processes, modeling and forecasting in hydrology; climate time-series analysis and fluvial and river processes.


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Como Citar


J. Zambrano Nájera, V. Delgado, e J. J. Vélez Upegui, “Short-term temperature variability in a tropical Andean city Manizales, Colombia”, Rev. Vínculos, vol. 17, nº 2, p. 129–139, dez. 2020.


Zambrano Nájera, J. et al. 2020. Short-term temperature variability in a tropical Andean city Manizales, Colombia. Revista Vínculos. 17, 2 (dez. 2020), 129–139. DOI:


Zambrano Nájera, J.; Delgado, V.; Vélez Upegui, J. J. Short-term temperature variability in a tropical Andean city Manizales, Colombia. Rev. Vínculos 2020, 17, 129-139.


Zambrano Nájera, J., Delgado, V., e Vélez Upegui, J. J. (2020). Short-term temperature variability in a tropical Andean city Manizales, Colombia. Revista Vínculos, 17(2), 129–139.


ZAMBRANO NÁJERA, Jeannette; DELGADO, Victor; VÉLEZ UPEGUI, Jorge Julian. Short-term temperature variability in a tropical Andean city Manizales, Colombia. Revista Vínculos, [S. l.], v. 17, n. 2, p. 129–139, 2020. DOI: 10.14483/2322939X.17091. Disponível em: Acesso em: 17 jul. 2024.


Zambrano Nájera, Jeannette, Victor Delgado, e Jorge Julian Vélez Upegui. 2020. “Short-term temperature variability in a tropical Andean city Manizales, Colombia”. Revista Vínculos 17 (2):129-39.


Zambrano Nájera, J., Delgado, V. e Vélez Upegui, J. J. (2020) “Short-term temperature variability in a tropical Andean city Manizales, Colombia”, Revista Vínculos, 17(2), p. 129–139. doi: 10.14483/2322939X.17091.


Zambrano Nájera, Jeannette, et al. “Short-term temperature variability in a tropical Andean city Manizales, Colombia”. Revista Vínculos, vol. 17, nº 2, dezembro de 2020, p. 129-3, doi:10.14483/2322939X.17091.


Zambrano Nájera, Jeannette, Victor Delgado, e Jorge Julian Vélez Upegui. “Short-term temperature variability in a tropical Andean city Manizales, Colombia”. Revista Vínculos 17, no. 2 (dezembro 10, 2020): 129–139. Acessado julho 17, 2024.


Zambrano Nájera J, Delgado V, Vélez Upegui JJ. Short-term temperature variability in a tropical Andean city Manizales, Colombia. Rev. Vínculos [Internet]. 10º de dezembro de 2020 [citado 17º de julho de 2024];17(2):129-3. Disponível em:

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