


Vol. 18 No. 2 (2024)


Applied Engineering Vision

Design of an Automated System for a Drinking Water Treatment Plant

Diseño de un Sistema Automatizado para Planta de Tratamiento de Agua Potable



Automation, drinking water, dosing, monitoring, water plant treatment (en).


Automatización, Agua potable, dosificación, monitoreo, planta de tratamiento (es).


Abstract (en)

The Municipality of Restrepo, Meta (Colombia), supplies water from the Caney River to the population through the Emiliano Restrepo Echeverría water treatment plant, with a capacity of 84.5 L/s. However, the lack of an efficient control system has been a challenge. To address this deficiency, an automatic dosing system for reagents such as 10% aluminum sulfate, caustic soda, sodium hypochlorite, and calcium was designed, using sensor data from devices like flow meters, pH meters, and turbidity meters. The design, based on the grafcet method and programmed in TIA Portal V16, includes a Human-Machine Interface (HMI) that displays the system's behavior and potential errors. Additionally, a feature has been incorporated to allow automatic transition to manual mode in case of technical failures or when operator intervention is necessary. This system not only records physicochemical variables but also controls dosing through electromechanical pumps to ensure the quality of water supplied to the population of Restrepo.

Abstract (es)

El Municipio de Restrepo, Meta (Colombia), abastece agua del Río Caney a la población mediante la planta de tratamiento Emiliano Restrepo Echeverría, con una capacidad de 84.5 L/s. Sin embargo, la falta de un sistema de control eficiente ha sido un desafío. Para abordar esta carencia, se diseñó un sistema automático de dosificación de reactivos como sulfato de aluminio al 10%, soda cáustica, hipoclorito de sodio y calcio, empleando datos de sensores como caudalímetro, pHmetro y turbidímetro. El diseño, basado en el método grafcet y programado en TIA Portal V16, incluye una Interfaz Hombre-Máquina (HMI) que muestra el comportamiento del sistema y posibles errores. Además, se ha incorporado una función que permite la transición automática a modo manual en caso de fallas técnicas o intervención necesaria del operario. Este sistema no solo registra las variables fisicoquímicas, sino que también controla la dosificación mediante electrobombas para asegurar la calidad del agua suministrada a la población de Restrepo.


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How to Cite


Rodriguez-Silva, D. C., Vargas-Figueredo, J. L., and Martinez-Baquero, J. E. (2024). Design of an Automated System for a Drinking Water Treatment Plant. Visión electrónica, 18(2).


Rodriguez-Silva, D.C. et al. 2024. Design of an Automated System for a Drinking Water Treatment Plant. Visión electrónica. 18, 2 (Oct. 2024).


Rodriguez-Silva, D. C.; Vargas-Figueredo, J. L.; Martinez-Baquero, J. E. Design of an Automated System for a Drinking Water Treatment Plant. Vis. Electron. 2024, 18.


RODRIGUEZ-SILVA, David Camilo; VARGAS-FIGUEREDO, Jose Luis; MARTINEZ-BAQUERO, Javier Eduardo. Design of an Automated System for a Drinking Water Treatment Plant. Visión electrónica, [S. l.], v. 18, n. 2, 2024. Disponível em: Acesso em: 19 oct. 2024.


Rodriguez-Silva, David Camilo, Jose Luis Vargas-Figueredo, and Javier Eduardo Martinez-Baquero. 2024. “Design of an Automated System for a Drinking Water Treatment Plant”. Visión electrónica 18 (2).


Rodriguez-Silva, D. C., Vargas-Figueredo, J. L. and Martinez-Baquero, J. E. (2024) “Design of an Automated System for a Drinking Water Treatment Plant”, Visión electrónica, 18(2). Available at: (Accessed: 19 October 2024).


D. C. Rodriguez-Silva, J. L. Vargas-Figueredo, and J. E. Martinez-Baquero, “Design of an Automated System for a Drinking Water Treatment Plant”, Vis. Electron., vol. 18, no. 2, Oct. 2024.


Rodriguez-Silva, David Camilo, et al. “Design of an Automated System for a Drinking Water Treatment Plant”. Visión electrónica, vol. 18, no. 2, Oct. 2024,


Rodriguez-Silva, David Camilo, Jose Luis Vargas-Figueredo, and Javier Eduardo Martinez-Baquero. “Design of an Automated System for a Drinking Water Treatment Plant”. Visión electrónica 18, no. 2 (October 3, 2024). Accessed October 19, 2024.


Rodriguez-Silva DC, Vargas-Figueredo JL, Martinez-Baquero JE. Design of an Automated System for a Drinking Water Treatment Plant. Vis. Electron. [Internet]. 2024 Oct. 3 [cited 2024 Oct. 19];18(2). Available from:

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