


Vol. 18 (2014): Special Edition Doctorate



Automation of functional annotation of genomes and transcriptomes


  • Luis Fernando Cadavid Gutiérrez National University
  • José Nelson Pérez Castillo Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas
  • Cristian Alejandro Rojas Quintero Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas
  • Nelson Enrique Vera Parra Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas

Palabras clave:

Annotator, Functional annotation, Gene ontology, High Throughput Sequencing. (en).

Palabras clave:

Annotator, Functional annotation, Gene ontology, High Throughput Sequencing. (es).

Resumen (en)

Functional annotation represents a means to investigate and classify genes and transcripts according to their function within a given organism.

This paper presents Massive Automatic Functional Annotation (MAFA - Web), which is an online free bioinformatics tool that allows automation, unification and optimization of functional annotation processes when dealing with large volumes of sequences. MAFA includes tools for categorization and statistical analysis of associations between sequences. We have evaluated the performance of MAFA with a set of data taken from Diploria-Strigosatranscriptome (using an 8-core computer, namely E7450 @ 2,40GHZ with 256GB RAM), processing rates of 2,7 seconds per sequence (using Uniprot database) and 50,0 seconds per sequence (using Non-redundant from NCBI database) were found together with particular RAM usage patterns that depend on the database being processed (1GB for Uniprot database and 9GB for Non-redundant database).. Aviability:


Resumen (es)

Functional annotation represents a means to investigate and classify genes and transcripts according to their function within a given organism.

This paper presents Massive Automatic Functional Annotation (MAFA - Web), which is an online free bioinformatics tool that allows automation, unification and optimization of functional annotation processes when dealing with large volumes of sequences. MAFA includes tools for categorization and statistical analysis of associations between sequences. We have evaluated the performance of MAFA with a set of data taken from Diploria-Strigosatranscriptome (using an 8-core computer, namely E7450 @ 2,40GHZ with 256GB RAM), processing rates of 2,7 seconds per sequence (using Uniprot database) and 50,0 seconds per sequence (using Non-redundant from NCBI database) were found together with particular RAM usage patterns that depend on the database being processed (1GB for Uniprot database and 9GB for Non-redundant database). Aviability:


Biografía del autor/a

Luis Fernando Cadavid Gutiérrez, National University

Medicine Doctor, Ecology and Evolutionary Biology PhD., IEI Research Group - Teacher / Researcher, Institute of Genetics and Department of Biology, National University, Bogotá. 

José Nelson Pérez Castillo, Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas

System Engineer, Informatics PhD., GICOGE Research Group - Director of Center for Scientific Research and Development, Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas, Bogotá. 

Cristian Alejandro Rojas Quintero, Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas

System Engineer Student, GICOGE Research Group - Student, Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas, Bogotá. 

Nelson Enrique Vera Parra, Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas

Electronic Engineer, Information Sciences and Communication M.Sc., GICOGE Research Group - Teacher / Researcher, Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas, Bogotá. 


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Cómo citar


Cadavid Gutiérrez, L. F., Pérez Castillo, J. N., Rojas Quintero, C. A., y Vera Parra, N. E. (2014). Automation of functional annotation of genomes and transcriptomes. Tecnura, 18, 90–96.


Cadavid Gutiérrez, L.F. et al. 2014. Automation of functional annotation of genomes and transcriptomes. Tecnura. 18, (dic. 2014), 90–96. DOI:


Cadavid Gutiérrez, L. F.; Pérez Castillo, J. N.; Rojas Quintero, C. A.; Vera Parra, N. E. Automation of functional annotation of genomes and transcriptomes. Tecnura 2014, 18, 90-96.


CADAVID GUTIÉRREZ, Luis Fernando; PÉREZ CASTILLO, José Nelson; ROJAS QUINTERO, Cristian Alejandro; VERA PARRA, Nelson Enrique. Automation of functional annotation of genomes and transcriptomes. Tecnura, [S. l.], v. 18, p. 90–96, 2014. DOI: 10.14483/22487638.9246. Disponível em: Acesso em: 6 feb. 2025.


Cadavid Gutiérrez, Luis Fernando, José Nelson Pérez Castillo, Cristian Alejandro Rojas Quintero, y Nelson Enrique Vera Parra. 2014. «Automation of functional annotation of genomes and transcriptomes». Tecnura 18 (diciembre):90-96.


Cadavid Gutiérrez, L. F. (2014) «Automation of functional annotation of genomes and transcriptomes», Tecnura, 18, pp. 90–96. doi: 10.14483/22487638.9246.


L. F. Cadavid Gutiérrez, J. N. Pérez Castillo, C. A. Rojas Quintero, y N. E. Vera Parra, «Automation of functional annotation of genomes and transcriptomes», Tecnura, vol. 18, pp. 90–96, dic. 2014.


Cadavid Gutiérrez, Luis Fernando, et al. «Automation of functional annotation of genomes and transcriptomes». Tecnura, vol. 18, diciembre de 2014, pp. 90-96, doi:10.14483/22487638.9246.


Cadavid Gutiérrez, Luis Fernando, José Nelson Pérez Castillo, Cristian Alejandro Rojas Quintero, y Nelson Enrique Vera Parra. «Automation of functional annotation of genomes and transcriptomes». Tecnura 18 (diciembre 1, 2014): 90–96. Accedido febrero 6, 2025.


Cadavid Gutiérrez LF, Pérez Castillo JN, Rojas Quintero CA, Vera Parra NE. Automation of functional annotation of genomes and transcriptomes. Tecnura [Internet]. 1 de diciembre de 2014 [citado 6 de febrero de 2025];18:90-6. Disponible en:

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Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas