About the Journal

Focus and Scope

The ObIES Journal is a scientific and serialized journal from Observatory for Higher Education Internationalization (ObIES, for its spanish acronym). It is published by the Francisco José de Caldas District University (FJCDU), as an open communication medium to the academic community for the specialized development in the context of the internationalization of higher education, and it disseminates partial or final results of researches.

The journal welcomes papers on the following areas:

  • Public policy on internationalization of higher education, and of science, technologhy and innovation (STI)
  • Internationalization and cooperation management.
  • Curriculum/research/extension internationalization.
  • Interculturality.
  • Education and inclusion.
  • Technological innovation for internationalization management.
  • Internationatics.

ObIES Journal welcomes papers written in English and Spanish, in the following categories:

  • Article of scientific and technological research: presents original results of research projects completed.
  • Reflection paper: presents research results from an analytical, interpretative or critical perspective about a specific topic.
  • Review article: presents analyzed, systematized and integrated research results to show developments and trends in an area.
  • Short paper: presents the preliminary original results of a technological or scientific research, which generally requires a quick dissemination.
  • Case report: presents the results of a study on a particular situation with the purpose of showing the technical and methodological experiences considered in the specific case. It includes a systematic and commented revision on the literature related to similar cases.

General information about the journal:


Faculty: Centro de Relaciones Interinstitucionales

Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas

Publication Frecuency

ObIES publishes yearly.

Each issue is officially published in PDF format, once it has been corrected and layout. However, as the articles are approved, they will be published  in "draft version" so that readers can have access to the content on a provisional basis.

Intellectual Property

The author(s) by submitting your article to ObIES certify that your manuscript has not been, will not be presented or published in any other scientific journal. By submitting the article, you also accept that for publication you will transfer the rights to the journal, which may disseminate it in print or electronic version.

Peer Review Process

The steps that are followed in the process of publishing a manuscript include:

  • Receipt of the article through OJS and review of the fulfillment of author's guidelines.
  • Blind evaluation of abstracts and first evaluation by members of the Editorial Committee to define whether the article continues evaluation process, and wether it is suitable for reviewer assignment.
  • Sending the manuscript to reviewers. All reviewers are given a term of three weeks for the first evaluation. For second evaluation, two weeks; and for third onwards, one week.
  • Reception of evaluations through OJS and communication to the author of evaluation results (if authors are asked for major modifications, they are given three weeks to make the corrections; if they are requested to make minor modifications, the term is two weeks).
  • Once an article is approved for publication, authors are notified. Next, the document enters proofreading and layout stages.

Estimated time for peer review and publication

Regularly, from the moment a manuscript is received to the moment the authors are informed about the acceptance or rejection of a manuscript the process can take from 6 to 8 months. Finally, the process of evaluation, review, acceptance, and preparation for publication regularly take 1 year. 

Open Access Policy

As the open access policy contributes to the exchange of global knowledge, this journal provides an immediate free access to all of its content. All readers from all around the world can read and download every article for free. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.

  • Attribution: Licensees may copy, distribute, display and perform the work and make derivative works and remixes based on it only if they give the author or licensor the credits in the manner specified by these.

  • NonCommercial: Licensees may copy, distribute, display, and perform the work and make derivative works and remixes based on it only for non-commercial purposes.

  • NoDerivatives: Licensees may copy, distribute, display and perform only verbatim copies of the work, not derivative works and remixes based on it. 

Article processing and submission charge

The journal is interested in the exchange of global knowledge. The process and submission of the manuscript are for free. The manuscript is submitted, evaluated, proofread and published without any cost.

Best practices statement and ehtical standards

The journal takes into account the procedures and ethical standards by Cambridge University Press (https://www.cambridge.org/core/about/ethical-standards), the guidelines for ethical behavior in scientific publications by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) (https://publicationethics.org/guidance/Guidelines), by the International Committe of Medical Journal Editors (ICJME) (http://www.icmje.org/recommendations/) and by the World Association of Medical Editors (WAME) (http://www.wame.org/policies).


This journal uses the LOCKSS system to create an archive distributed among participating libraries, allowing those libraries to create permanent archives of the journal for preservation and restoration purposes.


