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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • El envío no ha sido publicado previamente ni se ha sometido a consideración por ninguna otra revista (o se ha proporcionado una explicación al respecto en los Comentarios al editor/a).
  • El archivo de envío está en formato OpenOffice, Microsoft Word, RTF o WordPerfect.
  • Siempre que sea posible, se proporcionan direcciones URL para las referencias.
  • El texto tiene interlineado sencillo; 12 puntos de tamaño de fuente; se utiliza cursiva en lugar de subrayado (excepto en las direcciones URL); y todas las ilustraciones, figuras y tablas se encuentran colocadas en los lugares del texto apropiados, en vez de al final.
  • El texto se adhiere a los requisitos estilísticos y biliográficos resumidos en las Directrices del autor/a, que aparecen en Acerca de la revista.
  • Si se envía a una sección evaluada por pares de la revista, deben seguirse las instrucciones en Asegurar una evaluación anónima.

Author Guidelines

GUIDE ESTUDIOS ARTÍSTICOS revista de investigación creadora



ESTUDIOS ARTISTICOS is a means of circulation of learning and knowledge produced by the inter-epistemic communities of the emerging field of Artistic Studies. As a means of communication, it facilitates the construction of artistic, disciplinary, interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary communities, as well as networks of researchers at the national and international level. Above all, it favors the social appropriation of the various forms of knowledge as a means for the transformation of individuals and collectivities.

Since its first publication in 2015, ESTUDIOS ARTÍSTICOS carries out its review and publication of articles at no cost to the author. Any author, regardless of their nationality, can send their articles (see the type of articles in the lower part) through the OJS system to start the evaluation process. When this evaluation process ends and if approved (description of the evaluation below) the article will be published.

Target audiences

ESTUDIOS ARTÍSTICOS is aimed at teachers, researchers, students and professionals interested in the permanent updating of their knowledge and the follow-up of research-creation processes in the field of art and the artistic studies.


Disseminate results of research-creation projects carried out in the field of art and the artistic studies, through the publication of original and unpublished articles, made by academic artists and professionals belonging to national or foreign institutions of the public or private sector.

Geographical reach

ESTUDIOS ARTÍSTICOS has reach in Latin America, Spain and the Caribbean. However, its circulation has global potential.

Publishing Institution

ESTUDIOS ARTÍSTICOS is edited by the Francisco José de Caldas District University, CIDC Center for Research and Scientific Development and the ASAB School of Arts.

The journal has its office in the Research Unit of the Faculty of Arts ASAB, Cra.13 No. 14-69, Bogotá. D.C. Telephone: 3239300 ext.: 6624; email:

II. From the multilingual character of the journal

ESTUDIOS ARTÍSTICOS publishes unpublished articles in several languages, which are the result of the research, academic and creative activity of the art field and the artistic studies communities in the national and international context. Its main language is Spanish.

III. Periodicity

ESTUDIOS ARTÍSTICOS has a biannual periodicity. Articles are published in 2 issues per year



Editorial: It is written by the editor, by a guest, by one or more members of the Editorial Committee or the Scientific Committee of the magazine.

Central Section: formed by the research, reflection and review articles that are approved for each issue, including the article by a guest author.

Sensitive thinking: relevant proposals from artists and creators that are consistent with the focus of the magazine.

Other textualities: In this section are presented in a non-permanent way, the following types of items: short article, case report, letters to the editor, translation, reflection article not derived from research, book reviews and others.


ESTUDIOS ARTÍSTICOS has an open and permanent call; make two cuts during the year to select the approved items for each number. The theme of the articles is open to the relevant problems in the field of art and the artistic studies. 


Selected articles should be linked to ongoing or completed research. For this reason, they should exhibit conceptual coherence, depth in the treatment of a subject and be written in a clear, agile and structured style according to the nature of the text. It is understood that the articles presented by the authors are unpublished.

The following types of articles may be submitted:

  • Artistic, scientific or technological research article. It presents, in detail, the original results of research or research-creation projects. The generally used structure consists of four important aspects: introduction, methodology, results and conclusions.
  • Reflection article. It presents research or research-creation results from an analytical, interpretative or critical perspective of the author, on a specific topic, and resorting to original sources.
  • Revision article. It’s a text resulting from research where the results of published or unpublished research are analyzed, systematized and integrated into art, artistic studies, science or technology, in order to account for advancements and developing trends. It is characterized by presenting a careful bibliographical review of at least 50 references.
  • Short article. A brief text presenting original preliminary or partial results of artistic, scientific or technological research, which usually require an early dissemination.
  • Case report. A text presenting the results of a study on a particular situation in order to make known the technical and methodological experiences considered in a specific case. It includes an annotated systematic review of the literature on similar cases.
  • Subject review. A text resulting from the critical review of the literature on a particular topic.
  • Letters to the editor. Critical, analytical or interpretative positions on the documents published in the journal, which in the opinion of the Editorial Committee constitute an important contribution to the discussion of the topic by the scientific community of reference.
  • Editorial. A text with insights on the thematic domain of the journal, written by the editor, a member of the Editorial Committee or a guest researcher.
  • Translation. Translations of classic or topical texts, transcripts of historical documents or of particular interest in the domain of publication of the journal.
  • Reflection article not derived from research or creation.
  • Book review. This is an objective work without personal comments or opinions about the text reviewed.
  • Others.


It is essential to keep in mind that a manuscript that does not conform to these characteristics will be returned and the author will have a period of fifteen (15) days to submit it again. The manuscript must be presented in a file compatible with Word, formatted for a letter-sized page (21.59 cm x 27.54 cm), with moderate character margins, Times New Roman font size 12 points, single space, without spacing between paragraphs and with justification.

Articles should not exceed 7,000 words, including title, subheadings, abstract, keywords, footnotes, list of references and attachments.

A. Items of the articles

In addition to the core content, articles should have the following elements:

  • Title, clearly summarizing the main idea of the text.
  • Type of article (research, reflection, revision, etc., according to the list of   accepted articles)
  • Name(s) of the author(s) of the work, normalized according to citation form.
  • Institutional Link, postal address, phone and e-mails (for all authors).
  • Institutional Link of the author(s); postal address, telephone numbers and e-mails (for all authors).
  • Abstract, brief but sufficiently explicit on the content of the article. The abstract should not exceed 150 words. It is suggested to include the central question or problem, the theoretical framework or perspective, methodology, main findings, conclusions and future directions of research.
  • Keywords: a minimum of three and maximum of six, arranged alphabetically.
  • English abstract.
  • Keywords in English.
  • References, presented in a comprehensive list.

In addition to those listed above, the article may only contain the following elements:

  • Acknowledgments and information on the nature of the manuscript.
  • Numbered references of graphs, tables, charts or images.
  • Titles and captions for graphs, tables, charts or images.

B. Presentation of additional material

The graphs and tables are inserted in the text, duly numbered according to their order of presentation. Each one must have a brief title that clearly indicates its content. The journal requires the separate delivery of the original files of charts, graphs or diagrams in Excel, Word, PowerPoint or any other program; photographs of works of art must contain the technical file and the credits of the corresponding photographer and source. In the case of photographs, blueprints, drawings, images or screenshots, the file must be sent in vector format (TIFF, CDR, EPS, SVG or others) with a minimum resolution of 300 dpi (dots per inch). All tables, graphs, charts or images that are included in the articles must be self-explanatory, clear and relevant. In case they are not the original work of the author, it is their responsibility to obtain the permits that are required for publication.

C. References

At the end of the work, a list must be included that follows the international standards of the update to the sixth edition of the American Psychological Association (APA) Style Manual. The DOI (Digital Object Identifier) must be included in all cases when reference is made to electronic publications. (For more information, see the ESTUDIOS ARTÍSTICOS style manual).


Without exception, articles must be sent through the OJS platform of ESTUDIOS ARTÍSTICOS magazine: ( making the corresponding author's registration. In this way, it will be possible for the authors to follow up on the process of evaluating and editing their articles. They will not be considered incomplete articles or that do not comply with the rules established here.


ESTUDIOS ARTÍSTICOS works with Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No derivative works 4.0 Colombia, where the author is guaranteed recognition of credits for their work and authorship. The Journal does not alter, or transform or generate a work from the article. In addition, the author is guaranteed that his article will not be used for commercial purposes.



All articles will be submitted to an anonymous arbitration process, carried out by national or foreign evaluators who will be able to make suggestions to the author. The observations of the reviewers and those of the Editorial Committee of the journal should be taken into account by the author in order to make the necessary adjustments. The Editorial Committee decides the publication of the approved articles in the corresponding number.

ESTUDIOS ARTÍSTICOS reserves the right to introduce the formal changes necessary to adapt the text to publication standards.


ESTUDIOS ARTÍSTICOS is an academic publication, inspired by the ideas of Open Access and by the express authorization of reproduction, distribution and public communication without cost of all articles published; it strongly supports the free exchange of knowledge for research and education. However, for the commercial use of the site where the magazines are housed, of their elements or those of the articles, the express authorization of the publisher is required.

In order to meet this objective, articles submitted for publication in ESTUDIOS ARTÍSTICOS must comply with the following parameters:

  • The author will grant to the Francisco José de Caldas District University, through its ASAB Arts Faculty, an automatic and limited license for publication in the ESTUDIOS ARTISTICOS journal, and to include the article in indexes and search systems.
  • The author will express her consent for the article, when published in ESTUDIOS ARTÍSTICOS, to be licensed under the Creative Commons, Attribution-Non Commercial-No derivatives 4.0 International license. (To read the full text of the license, you can visit <> or send an application letter to Creative Commons, 171 Second Street, Suite 300, San Francisco, California 94105, USA). The previous license guarantees the author the recognition of the credits for her work and authorship. ESTUDIOS ARTÍSTICOS does not alter, transform or generate a work from the article. In addition, ESTUDIOS ARTÍSTICOS guarantees the authors that it will not use their article for commercial purposes.

 XII. GOOD PRACTICE POLICY: research ethics, policy on plagiarism and respect for cultures and heritage.

ESTUDIOS ARTÍSTICOS presents guidelines on good practices for scientific publication as a framework for the development and implementation of its own policies and ethics system in publishing.

The Editors of ESTUDIOS ARTÍSTICOS select the reviewers under guidelines of impartiality and professionalism, so that fair evaluations can be assured, and they guarantee the authors that the appropriate reviewers are selected for reviews of their works, and readers can rely on the peer review process.

The Editors of ESTUDIOS ARTÍSTICOS are aware of the work required for making firm decisions and creating solid publishing processes designed to manage their interests and foster an efficient and sustainable publication system that will benefit academic institutions, publishers, journals, authors, funders of research and readers. Good practices in scientific publishing do not develop spontaneously but are consciously established and actively promoted.

Responsibilities of the authors of the works

All the authors that are reflected in the work must have contributed actively therein. ESTUDIOS ARTÍSTICOS provides the authors with clear instructions explaining the concepts of academic authorship, specifying that the contributions should be distinct. The editors of ESTUDIOS ARTISTICOS ask for a declaration from the authors that they fulfill the criteria of the magazine in relation to the authorship. In case of a conflict in the authorship of a published work, the Editors of ESTUDIOS ARTISTICOS will contact the author who claims its authorship to establish the veracity of the case. If the Editors consider it appropriate, temporary access will be closed to the article in question, until a final decision is made. 

The documents to be published, should not have been published beforeESTUDIOS ARTÍSTICOS will consider only those works that have not been published before in another publishing house and in any format. In this sense, it is considered that the scientific literature can be biased by a redundant publication, with important consequences. ESTUDIOS ARTÍSTICOS asks from the authors a statement that the work submitted, especially in its essential content, has not been published before, and is not being considered for publication in other magazines.

Promote the integrity of research

The Editors of ESTUDIOS ARTÍSTICOS have the right to demand an original work and question the authors about whether opinion articles (e.g., editorials, letters, non-systematic reviews) have been published before.

Research misconduct

If the Editors of ESTUDIOS ARTÍSTICOS suspect misconduct in research carried out on a work (for example, data generation, falsification or plagiarism), they will consult the authors of the work on the procedure developed for the research and they should provide whatever information is requested.

Peer review can sometimes detect evidence of research misconduct, in which case reviewers will raise their doubts and, if confirmed, they will be considered as serious misconduct (e.g., data manufacturing, counterfeiting, manipulation of inappropriate images or plagiarism). However, in any case, the authors have the right to respond to these allegations and to show that the research has been carried out with diligence and speed.

The protection of the rights of research participants / subjects

The Editors of ESTUDIOS ARTÍSTICOS work to create publishing policies that promote ethical practices and responsible research. Guarantees will be sought that the studies have been approved by the relevant agencies. If the research has been done with data obtained from people, the resulting works must be accompanied by a declaration of their consent. The Editors reserve the right to reject the work if there is any doubt as to whether proper procedures have been followed.

Inform readers about research and publication of misconduct

Editors will warn readers if ethical violations have occurred. In these cases, ESTUDIOS ARTÍSTICOS will publish the appropriate corrections when these errors can affect the interpretation of the data and the information, whatever the cause of the error. Similarly, ESTUDIOS ARTÍSTICOS will publish a rectification statement if it has been proven that the work may be fraudulent, or if the Editors have well-founded suspicions that the research was developed under misconduct. In this case, the journal will publish the correction as an errata or a rectification that will include the words "Errata" or "Rectification", which will appear published in a numbered page and in the index of contents of the journal. The rectification will allow the reader to identify and understand the correction in the context of the errors made, or it will explain why the article was corrected, or the Editor's concerns about the content of the article, and it will be linked electronically with the original electronic publication.

Respect for cultures and heritage

The Editors of ESTUDIOS ARTÍSTICOS express their sensitivity when it comes to publishing images of objects that could have cultural significance or involve a crime.


The names and e-mail addresses entered in this journal will be used exclusively for the purposes established herein and will not be provided to third parties or for other purposes.


The sending of the article implies the acceptance of the conditions expressed in this document.


  1. Pensamiento Visual
    Propuestas relevantes de artístas que concuerdan con las temáticas de la revista

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Los nombres y las direcciones de correo electrónico introducidos en esta revista se usarán exclusivamente para los fines establecidos en ella y no se proporcionarán a terceros o para su uso con otros fines.
