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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The call for articles to the Ciudad Paz-ando Journal is currently OPEN, Edition 17.1 (JULY-DECEMBER 2024), MULTIDISCIPLINARY DOSSIER OF PEACE STUDIES
  • The article does not infringe copyright, is completely original and exclusive (it has not been previously published or considered by any other journal).
  • Two documents must be written for the postulation of the article: a. cover page and b. manuscript according to the guidelines established by the Ciudad Pazando Journal
  • The documents (cover page and manuscript) are in Microsoft Word format and filled out according to the Guidelines for authors established by the RCP
  • All figures and tables are in color, in editable format and are inserted in the text, not at the end of it.
  • Alll data about the author or the institutions related to the author must be deleted in order to submit it for anonymous peer review designated by the RCP
  • The Authorization and Guarantee of First Publication Form for your article must be completely filled out, signed and attached to the cover page and the manuscript.
  • Every citation and reference in the article must follow the guidelines of the RCP Citation and Reference Manual of APA Seventh Edition
  • The authors have an updated ORCID ID
  • The authors of Colombian nationality have a profile on the CvLac platform that reflects their work affiliation in the year 2022.

Author Guidelines


The Instituto para la Pedagogía, la Paz y el Conflicto Urbano of the Universidad Distrital FRancisco José de Caldas - IPAZUD calls on the entire academic community to send research articles within the framework of the publication of the "Ciudad Paz-Ando" Journal, edition 17.1 (January-June 2024): Multidisciplinary Dossier. Peace Studies.

The Journal Ciudad Pazando is an electronic and printed journal published every six months by the Instituto para la Pedagogía, la Paz y el Conflicto Urbano from the Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas (IPAZUD). It shows the results of researches, reviewes and reflections relative to academic-scientific community interests. The first edition was published in 2008, and it has been published uninterruptedly for more than twelve years.

Ciudad Pazando aims to spread knowledge from the plurality of perspectives on social, political, economic and cultural areas that lead to the opening of democratic spaces in the writing scene. Thus, after a decade of editorial, academic and intellectual work, RCP has established itself as one of the most recognized scientific journals on issues of peace, conflict, democracy and promotion of human rights culture.

The RCP’s target is the academic community around the research work in topics relative to human and social sciences, with preference on issues of memory, cityzenchip, territory, conflict, pedagogy and peace.


Publication of the call

November 20, 2023

Shipping Deadline

Febrary 20 , 2024

Shipping place

Through the RCP Open Journal Systems:



  1. ID page
  2. First publication authorization and guarantee form
  3. Manuscript

1. ID page

The identification page must be a separate file from the article's corpus (manuscript). This must be sent in Microsoft Word format, with symmetric margins of 2.54cm, Times New Roman font, size 12, line spacing 1.5, justified text, without spaces between each paragraph and must contain the following information:

  • About Authors

Authors’ full name (RCP accepts maximum 4 authors for article), academic background, institutional affiliation (s) (position and name of the university or organization where they/he/she works and location of it), institutional emails and their ORCID identification codes (one code for each author). This information should not exceed 60 words per author.

In addition to the above data, if the colombian authors each one must reference the link of their resume on the Cvlac platform (this must contain information about their employment affiliation in the year of the text's application). This requirement is totally mandatory.

You can register in Cvlac through the following link: 

  • About the section the author applies to

The author (s) must specify which section of the RCP would like to submit the article.The options are:

Special dossier. Education, art and culture: contributions and approaches for the peace construction in Colombia. Here, people can present original and unpublished research results or researches in progress about the specific theme.

Voces Otras. In this section, articles, essays, presentations or reflections related to the research lines of the IPAZUD are published: Territory and Uproots; Memory and Conflict; Citizenship and Democracy; Human Rights and Gender Equity.

Likewise, this section accepts papers about current issues of national and international reality, developed by young researchers who are completing their undergraduate or starting postgraduate studies.

Pensando Regiones. In here, reflections, debates and contributions made from different regions of the Colombian territory are presented. The topics are always related to peace construction and promotion of Human Rights culture.

Review. In this part, books or texts from the field of social sciences are reviewed. This reviews should be reconstructive (taking into account the structure and basic contents of the book) and critical, it means, the proposal must seek the balance between the contents of the reviewed text (author, title, date, city, publisher and total pages) and his/her/their professional opinion about it. Also the chosen text must be considered a bibliographic novelty (published, maximum, in the last two years).

The RCP stipulates that the length of the reviews must be between 2000 and 3000 words. For all the rest, it adheres to the parameters established for the research articles described later in: 3. Manuscript – a) Article Manual

  • About the Article Type

Authors must specify what type of article they are submitting to the RCP, according to the Publindex Minciencias classification:

Scientific and Technological Research Article. It is a document that presents, in detail, the original results of completed research projects. The structure usually contains four important sections: introduction, methodology, results and conclusions.

Reflection article. It is a document that presents the results of finished researches from the analytical, interpretative and critical author perspective about a specific topic and using original sources.

Review article. Is the resulting document from a completed research (published or unpublished) about science and technology. In here, the results are analyzed, systematized and integrated to show progress and development trends. It involves the careful using of a bibliographic review (at least 50 references).

Short article. It is a brief document that presents preliminary or partial original results of a scientific or technological research, which generally require fast diffusion.

Case report. It is a document that presents a study results in order to show technical and methodological experiences considered in a specific case. It includes a systematic review of the literature on analogous cases.

Topic review. It is the resulting document from the critical review of literature about a particular topic.

  • About academic peers

As the final section of the presentation page, the information of TWO academic peers outside the Francisco José de Caldas District University, proposed by the authors for the arbitration process of the article submitted to the CPR, must be attached: full name, academic training ( minimum mastery in fields related to the central theme of the manuscript) and email.

This information is used for the maintenance of the RCP evaluators database. Ciudad Pazando will assign different evaluators to those that the authors suggest on the presentation page to review their document. *

2. Authorization and First Post Guarantee

Remember to fill out and attach the Authorization and First Post Guarantee form to the submission of your research paper.

3. Manuscript

The Scientific Journal Ciudad Pazando adhering to the IPAZUD, is aimed at the academic community and society in general interested in spread the results of their research works that involves regional, national and international level.

Therefore, articles should be written in accessible language to audiences from different disciplines and preferably it should be the result of research process completed or in progress, that contribute to the current academic discussion.

  • Article Manual

Article length. Articles submitted to the CPR should have a minimum length of 6,000 and a maximum of 8,000 words including the abstract and references.

Font and size. Text, tables, figures and illustrations should be presented in Times New Roman font, point 12.

Line spacing and paragraph position. The document must have a 1.5 line spacing with paragraphs justified, without indentations or spaces between them.

Titles. The CPR considers three different hierarchies for the titles of research articles:

First level: it is written with initial capital letter, centered, bold and font size 12.

Second level: it is written with initial capital letter, aligned to the left, bold and font size 12.

Third level: it is written with initial capital letter, aligned to the left, bold, italic and font size 12.

Footnotes. Explanatory footnotes should be avoided as much as possible. However, if they are used, they should be presented in Times New Roman font, point 10, single spacing (1.0) and justified text with no spaces between paragraphs.

Abbreviations. Is recommended not to use abbreviations for the aesthetic and narrative quality of the article. However, if the authors must, it should be defined as soon it appears in the text and always be used thereafter to refer to the respective term.

Abbreviations should not be used at the beginning of a sentence or paragraph, in a title or subtitle, or in the summary.

Figures and Tables. These should be added to the article according to the guidelines of the RCP Citation and Reference Manual of APA Seventh Edition. In the Note section (written in Times New Roman font, point 10, single spaced and aligned to the left), the author must specify the content of the figure/table for the reader to obtains all the necessary information. Likewise, the Note must contain the source data and if it is an original creation of the authors, it must be referred as "Source: own elaboration".

References. Ciudad Pazando uses the RCP Citation and Reference Manual of APA Seventh Edition.

  • Article Form

Title. The article must be headed by the title in Spanish and English and must include the axis of the article, the temporality and the space where it was developed (it must not exceed 15 words, nor have less than five).

Abstract. The article should contain an analytical summary in Spanish and English inferior to 150 words in either language. It should clearly include the most relevant elements of the discussion like the research problem, the methodology applied and the results obtained.

Key words. It is a list of words related to the central topic that contribute to locate the article conceptually speaking. These words must be listed in alphabetical order in both Spanish and English (minimum 4 and maximum 6). In addition, this words should be taken from the UNESCO thesaurus.

Introduction. It is a presentation of the topic to be developed, the description of the problem or the research question to be solved, as well involves a presentation of the text’s sections.

Theoretical and conceptual framework. This section presents the theoretical basis of the research in relation to the problem statement and the research question.

Methodology. It describes the research approach and model implemented to answer the problem question, so it can be subsequently replicated. This section does not present the results of the article, only the ways taken to it.

Development. This section is the article corpus and includes all the theoretical and practical sources that gives a frame for the posterior presentation of the results.

Findings. This section presents the results of apply a methodology that answers the research problem question. No discussion or assumptions are made about these results, they are presented to the reader only as a description.

Results Discussion. The research problem question is answered by discussing the relevance of the results. It is necessary for the authors to delimit the reach of their work and present the possibilities that the results obtained gives to future researches.

Conclusions. The article should be closed in coherence with the approaches at the beginning, showing the reader what was the response to the research and the most significant contribution of the article to the academic community. However, the conclusions cannot recommend, extrapolate or state something that is outside the limits of the research.

References. The complete list of references used in the elaboration of the content should appear at the end of the article; every quote made in the text should be supported by a reference. Bibliographic references and citations should be incorporated into the text following the RCP Citation and Reference Manual of APA Seventh Edition.


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All names and addresses given will be used exclusively for the purposes set out in the journal and won’t be passed on to third parties.
