Quality Policy

  1. Ethics and good publishing practices
  2. Identification of unethical behavior
  3. Open access policy
  4. Privacy statement


The Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas, the Scientific Research Center (CIDC) and the editorial board of the Journal, with the purpose of maintaining the scientific and academic quality of the publications, established the following ethical principles, promulgated by the Committee on Publications Ethics - COPE, and by the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (APA) in its section on ethical and legal standards of the seventh edition, adapted by RCP in its own Citation and Reference Manual.

. These good practices should be carried out by the authors, the editorial board and the institution.

a) Authors' responsibilities

  • If needed, the author must present in the article the pertinent information (funding agencies, institutional affiliation, participants, etc.) that authorizes its publication in repositories or other forms of storage.
  • To declare the originality of the manuscript and use of the information as required by copyright (Decisión Andina 351 de 1993).
  • If necessary, the author must guarantee that the studies carried out in humans or other species comply with national and international regulations. To this end, proof of informed consent or endorsement by the ethics committee must be submitted.
  • According to the rules of the editorial process, only one article per author may be published in each volume, that is why, in case of submitting more than one article to the call, only one should be chosen by the author.
  • The article will not be submitted to other journals or in other printed/electronic media. Consequently, the author or authors will personally assume the legal sanctions generated by the violation of this rules.

b) Declare any possible conflict of interest

The author must warn the editorial board of any significant error in the published article so that it can be corrected by erratum, addendum, a letter to the editor or removing the publication.

In the case of plagiarism, supplanting, fraud or omission of information, the author is obliged to publicly retract and, depending on the seriousness of the fault, the removal or correction of the publication will be considered.

c) Responsibility of the Scientific-Editorial Board

The scientific-editorial board of the RCP acts objectively in the performance of its work, avoiding any type of discrimination based on gender, sex, religion, ethnic condition or geographical location of the authors.

It establishes clear and transparent processes for cases of ethical complaints or conflicts of interest. All complaints will be studied and authors will be allowed to respond to them within a reasonable period of time.

The board also ensures the confidentiality of information and editorial processes. Likewise, avoid publishing articles that present the following irregularities:

  • Conflict of interest.
  • Not original papers.
  • Falsification or adulteration of information.
  • Fragmented publication.
  • Plagiarism or self-plagiarism (more than 22% similarity using the Turnitin tool).
  • Excess of self-citations (10 - 15%) and uncited references.
  • Publications by members of the editorial board and the scientific committee are restricted.

d) Responsibility of the publishing institution

The Centro de Investigaciones y Desarrollo Científico and the Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas will ensure the execution of good ethical and editorial practices in all its publications.


If unethical conduct is detected, the report must be supported by sufficient evidence to initiate the investigation process. Due process must be followed, as well as maintain the criteria of confidentiality. The scientific-editorial committee of the RCP will conclude the process with a decision that will be informed to the author(s) involved and the pertinent measures that will be taken for the resolution of the case. The following are the preventive measures in the case of minor and/or serious misconduct:

Minor: minor misconduct will be dealt with the perpetrator so he/she/ they could responds to the accusations.

Serious: Serious misconduct may require some of the following actions:

  • Reporting the misconduct and taking action to avoid future mistakes.
  • Publication of formal notice detailing the misconduct.
  • Editorial publication detailing the unethical behavior.
  • Formal letter to author and funding institution.
  • Formal retraction or removal of the article, after informing the author, indexing services and readers of the reasons for the decision.
  • Reporting the case and outcome to a professional organization or higher authority for further investigation and action.


This journal provides free and open access to its content, based on the principle that offering the public free access to research promotes a greater global exchange of knowledge. Likewise, authors who wish to publish in the RCP can do it completely free of charge.


The names and e-mail addresses entered in the Revista Ciudad Pazando - RCP will be used exclusively for the purposes stated therein and will not be provided to third parties or used for other purposes.
