About the Journal
Editorial and publishing policies
Focus and Scope
The Ingeniería journal is an open-access academic-scientific online publication specialized in knowledge related to the fields of Engineering and Technology, according to the classification of scientific areas established by the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD). Its main goal is to disseminate and promote debates about advances in research and development in the diverse areas of Engineering and Technology. We focus on disseminating original and unpublished articles in English that are relevant at both the national and international level. We seek to provide a platform to share knowledge and foster collaboration between researchers and professionals in the field. The journal does not request any Article Processing Charges (APC), as it is directly funded by Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas. Moreover, the journal operates following a double-blind review process, thus ensuring the impartiality and quality of the published works. The journal is published in a continuous fashion and follows a quarterly numbering.
Peer Review Process
Article processing begins with a review by the Editorial Committee, which assesses whether the manuscript is a good fit for the themes of the journal and validates its content and relevance. If the response of the Editorial Committee is not favorable, the authors will be informed that the article has been rejected, providing arguments described in a review form. If the article is accepted by the Committee, it will be sent for evaluation.
Subsequently, the article will undergo a double-blind peer review. The reviewers, who are experts in the field – preferably external – should submit the report to the editor within four weeks. The Editorial Committee will make one of the following decisions based on the submitted report:
- accept the paper in its present form.
- accept it with minor revisions by the authors.
- accept it with major revisions by the authors.
- reject it.
If the manuscript is accepted with minor or major revisions, the authors will be notified of the reviewers’ comments and recommendations, as well as of the deadline for submitting the revisions. They should submit the new version of the manuscript (the changes should be highlighted) with a letter explaining the revisions made to each of the reviewers’ comments. The Editorial Committee will verify whether the authors have accepted each recommendation, and, if necessary, it will submit the new version of the manuscript for a second round of peer review. It is important to mention that the final decision regarding publication will be subject to the result of the revision process and to the manuscript’s compliance with the guidelines established by the Editorial Committee.
The articles submitted to the Ingeniería journal must be unpublished. No articles previously published or submitted by the authors to other national or international media shall be considered for publication.
As per the journal’s statistics, the times involved in the review process depend on the document’s subject matter, with the following averages:
- The initial review, carried out by the Editorial Committee, takes two weeks on average.
- The first peer review takes six months on average.
- The second peer review takes four weeks on average.
- The copyediting and design stage takes four weeks.
Publication Frequency
The Ingeniería journal used to be published on a four-monthly basis (three issues per year). As of 2022, it has changed to a continuous publication model with a four-monthly numbering. From v27n1 onward, instead of using pagination, the articles will be identified with their corresponding ID number preceded by the letter ‘e’ for electronic (e.g., L. A., Surname1, and L. A., Surname 1, “Article title,” Ing., vol. 27, no. 1, p. e17973, Jan. 2022. https://doi.org/10.14483/23448393.12345)
Open Access Policy
The Ingeniería journal provides free access to its content, under the principle of freely making research available to the public, which encourages a greater exchange of global knowledge.
Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0)
You are free to:
- Share– copy and redistribute the material in any medium or format.
- Adapt– remix, transform, and build upon the material.
- The licensor cannot revoke these freedoms as long as you follow the license terms.
Article Processing Charge (APC)
No publication costs are charged to the authors or their institutions, nor are any payments made to expert peer reviewers or associated or adjunct editors. The Ingeniería Journal is funded by Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas, its School of Engineering, and its Central Research Office.
Guidelines for submitting the manuscript
Authors should submit to the Editor the following documents using our Open Journal System (OJS) platform:
-Cover letter and originality statement: a template can be downloaded from:
Cover letter (PDF Template) (Word Template)
-The manuscript formatted according to the template and style of the instructions to authors:
-If accepted for publication, the authors must agree with and submit a copyright form that transfers rights for publication
Article reception
From V27n2 (2022) onward, the Ingeniería journal does not publish special conference issues or conference proceedings, as these texts cannot be submitted to indexation processes. All submitted articles must follow and comply with the procedures set out in the journal’s policy and the author guidelines.
Code of Good Conduct in the Scientific Publishing
The Ingeniería journal promotes and defends the universal principles of good practices in scientific publication, particularly those that refer respecting the community, the selfless and voluntary work of peer reviewers and editors, and intellectual property. Ingeniería is therefore committed to high quality standards and considers any form of plagiarism unacceptable, so as to respect copyrights, patent rights, disclosure rights, and the moral rights of third parties. Ingeniería will undertake the processes necessary to avoid and resolve possible conflicts of interest with regard to its publications. The following link (https://publicationethics.org/resources/guidelines-new/principles-transparency-and-best-practice-scholarly-publishing) contains the practices deemed inappropriate and intolerable by the journal’s Editorial Committee.
Authors wishing to submit articles shall adhere to Ingeniería’s Publication standards and Code of good publication practices.
It is important to add that all manuscripts are checked using Turnitin, a plagiarism detection tool.
Ingeniería follows the guidelines established by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) regarding issues and misconduct.
Ingeniería journal's Code of good publication practices
General obligations and responsibilities of the editorial team:
- Satisfying the needs of the readers and authors.
- Continuously improving the journal.
- Implementing processes that ensure the quality of the material accepted for publication.
- Defending freedom of speech
- Preventing commercial interests to compromise the appropriateness of the results.
- Being always willing to publish errata, clarifications, retractions, or apologies, as appropriate.
Regarding the relationship with the readers:
Readers must be informed about who has funded a research and their role in the contents of the publication.
Regarding the relationship with the authors:
- The Editor's decisions to accept or reject an article for publication should be based on the article's significance, originality, and clarity, as well as the validity of the study and its relevance to the journal's objectives.
- The Ingeniería journal ensures the publication of peer review processes and evaluations, as well as the procedures and requirements for submission.
- The editors will publish guidelines for the authors regarding all that is expected of them.
- The submission procedures and requirements will be regularly updated and reviewed, and authors will be informed of any changes.
- Finally, the Ingeniería journal commits to addressing any complaints and requirements made by the authors.
The Ingeniería journal shall promptly respond to any complaints and will make sure that there is a channel for dissatisfied claimants to escalate their grievances to higher instances if necessary.
Regarding the relationship with reviewers:
Reviewers will be informed of all procedures and guidelines related to the review process. A double-blind review process ensures the anonymity of the reviewers, keeping their identity protected at all times.
Considerations concerning submitted articles
Upon article submission, the authors must declare that their work has not been previously published, except for abstracts presented at scientific events, that it is not under consideration for publication elsewhere, and that it has received the final approval of all co-authors. To ensure the originality of the submissions, anti-plagiarism software will be used.
Determining authorship
Prior to submitting an article, Ingeniería emphasizes the need for a clear and comprehensive evaluation of authorship attribution. This entails a precise description of each author's individual contributions to the work. The journal recommends adhering to the authorship criteria defined by the CRediT taxonomy (Contributor Roles Taxonomy). Furthermore, authors are kindly requested to include an Author contributions section at the end of the article, where each of their specific contributions should be explicitly outlined.
It is essential to clarify that the journal acknowledges the authorship of those who are responsible for:
- Substantial contributions to the formulation, justification, or design of the work
- The acquisition, analysis, or interpretation of the work's data
- The drafting or critical review of the manuscript, providing significant scientific insights that contribute to the work.
Moreover, any individual identified as an author must be prepared to assume responsibility for all aspects discussed in the work and be readily available to address inquiries concerning the accuracy and integrity of any part of the research. Contributors who do not meet these conditions should not be listed as authors but may be acknowledged in the work's Acknowledgments section.
Additionally, it is imperative that authors carefully review the order in which they are presented in the article before submission. Any proposed additions, removals, or changes in the author order must be formally requested through a document signed by all authors. This document should be submitted via email to the Editorial Committee, reasonably justifying the requested change. The Editorial Committee will assess each case and make a decision based on its appropriateness.
Publication of errata and retractions
If necessary, the journal will release errata and retractions for its previously published works. The first scenario, errata, involves the publication of a document appended to the original work, which acknowledges any errors made and provides their corresponding corrections. In the second scenario, a document is published to acknowledge unintentional or deliberate inaccuracies within the original work. These inaccuracies may include, but are not limited to, plagiarism or the presentation of manipulated data or images that compromise the validity of the obtained results.
Conflicts of interest
Ingeniería will deploy the necessary mechanisms to avoid or resolve any possible conflicts of interest associated with the authors, evaluators, and/or the editorial team. For example, during the evaluation process, the journal screens the evaluators for any conflicts of interest.
Informed consent
The Ingeniería journal considers an informed consent policy to be crucial for ensuring the protection of participants and the ethical integrity of research. In this regard, Ingeniería establishes the following policies:
- Informed consent is mandatory for all research participants, including human and animal subjects.
- Researchers must obtain informed consent voluntarily and free from any pressure or coercion. Informed consent must be obtained in writing and signed by the participant or their legal representative before participating in research.
- The content of the informed consent should be clear and understandable, and it should include information about the purpose of the research, the procedures the participant will undergo, potential risks and benefits, and the option to withdraw participation at any time.
- Participants should be informed of the possibility that the results of the research may be published, and their specific consent should be obtained for publishing any information that identifies them.
- The lead researcher is responsible for ensuring that informed consent is appropriately obtained and for maintaining proper records.
- In the case of research involving vulnerable participants, such as minors, persons with disabilities, or dependent individuals, special procedures must be followed to ensure their protection and informed consent.
These policies align with the ethical and legal standards established in the field of science. Additionally, Ingeniería may require authors to provide evidence that informed consent has been obtained before the publication of an article that includes research data involving human or animal participants.
Statement on artificial intelligence
Artificial intelligence (AI) and AI-assisted technologies should not be designated as authors or co-authors, nor should they be cited as such. Authorship carries responsibilities and tasks that are inherently human and cannot be ascribed to or executed by AI systems.
Authors are required to disclose the utilization of generative AI and AI-assisted technologies by incorporating a statement at the end of their manuscript, before the References section.
Self-archiving policy
Our journal operates by means of the PKP Preservation Network, which offers preservation services at no cost for journals managed via the Open Journal System (OJS) and meet the essential requirements. In addition, to ensure the accessibility and monitoring of information, the journal employs CLOKSS and Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas’ Institutional Repository.
Journal History
Ingeniería is an academic journal edited and published by the School of Engineering of Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas. It was founded in 1993, and, from 2000 onward, it used to be published twice a year. Since 2016, the Ingeniería is published on a four-monthly basis (three issues per year).