


Vol. 26 No. 2 (2024): CALJ : july-december


Research Articles

Approximation to the Use of the Color Vowel ®Approach to Foster 4th Graders’ Decoding Skills for Vowels /i:/, /u/, /eɪ/, and /aʊ/

Una aproximación al uso del enfoque Color Vowel ® para fomentar las habilidades de decodificación de los alumnos de 4º grado de las vocales /i:/, /u/, /eɪ/ y /aʊ/


  • Isabel Matus Universidad de Concepción
  • María-Jesús Inostroza Araos Universidad de Concepción


EFL, decoding, phonological awareness, young learners (en).


EFL, decodificación, conciencia fonológica, estudiantes de primaria (es).


Abstract (en)

This action research study focuses on an approximation to the use of the Color Vowel ® approach to enhance learners’ decoding skills. Teaching young learners to read in a second language, identify spellings and sounds that may differ from their first language, and develop phonological awareness poses a significant and challenging task that demands thoughtful consideration. This study was conducted in a subsidized school in Talcahuano, Chile. Data was collected from a group of 4th-grade students using a checklist as a pre- and post-intervention test to analyze their decoding skills, along with a Likert
scale and focus group to identify their perceptions on the use of the strategy. The results showed that the Color Vowel ®
approach improved learners’ decoding skills, particularly in developing and accurately producing vowel sounds among 4th
graders. Additionally, the students expressed positive perceptions of this approach, highlighting the importance of learning
English pronunciation for their daily and future lives. These findings could shed light on the importance of explicit phonological awareness instruction, as well as the significance of considering young learners’ voices about the implications that language learning has on their lives.

Abstract (es)

La presente investigación-acción se centra en una aproximación al uso del enfoque Color Vowel ® para mejorar las habilidades de decodificación en estudiantes de primaria. Enseñar a los niños a leer en una segunda lengua, así como identificar la ortografía y los sonidos en inglés y desarrollar la conciencia fonológica, representa una tarea desafiante que requiere una cuidadosa consideración. Esta investigación-acción se llevó a cabo en una escuela subvencionada de Talcahuano, Chile. Se recolectaron datos de un grupo de estudiantes de 4º básico utilizando una lista de cotejo como prueba pre y post intervención para analizar sus habilidades de decodificación. Además, se emplearon una escala Likert y un Focus Group para identificar las percepciones de los estudiantes sobre el uso de la estrategia. Los resultados mostraron que el uso del enfoque Color Vowel ® fue beneficioso para las habilidades de decodificación de los estudiantes. Además, los estudiantes expresaron una percepción positiva sobre el uso de este enfoque, destacando la importancia del aprendizaje de la pronunciación en inglés en su vida cotidiana y futura. Estos resultados podrían arrojar luz sobre la importancia de la enseñanza explícita de la conciencia fonológica.


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How to Cite


Matus, I., and Inostroza Araos, M.-J. (2024). Approximation to the Use of the Color Vowel ®Approach to Foster 4th Graders’ Decoding Skills for Vowels /i:/, /u/, /eɪ/, and /aʊ/. Colombian Applied Linguistics Journal, 26(2), 118–142.


Matus, I. and Inostroza Araos, M.-J. 2024. Approximation to the Use of the Color Vowel ®Approach to Foster 4th Graders’ Decoding Skills for Vowels /i:/, /u/, /eɪ/, and /aʊ/. Colombian Applied Linguistics Journal. 26, 2 (Nov. 2024), 118–142. DOI:


Matus, I.; Inostroza Araos, M.-J. Approximation to the Use of the Color Vowel ®Approach to Foster 4th Graders’ Decoding Skills for Vowels /i:/, /u/, /eɪ/, and /aʊ/. Colomb. appl. linguist. j 2024, 26, 118-142.


MATUS, Isabel; INOSTROZA ARAOS, María-Jesús. Approximation to the Use of the Color Vowel ®Approach to Foster 4th Graders’ Decoding Skills for Vowels /i:/, /u/, /eɪ/, and /aʊ/. Colombian Applied Linguistics Journal, [S. l.], v. 26, n. 2, p. 118–142, 2024. DOI: 10.14483/22487085.21580. Disponível em: Acesso em: 11 mar. 2025.


Matus, Isabel, and María-Jesús Inostroza Araos. 2024. “Approximation to the Use of the Color Vowel ®Approach to Foster 4th Graders’ Decoding Skills for Vowels /i:/, /u/, /eɪ/, and /aʊ/”. Colombian Applied Linguistics Journal 26 (2):118-42.


Matus, I. and Inostroza Araos, M.-J. (2024) “Approximation to the Use of the Color Vowel ®Approach to Foster 4th Graders’ Decoding Skills for Vowels /i:/, /u/, /eɪ/, and /aʊ/”, Colombian Applied Linguistics Journal, 26(2), pp. 118–142. doi: 10.14483/22487085.21580.


I. Matus and M.-J. Inostroza Araos, “Approximation to the Use of the Color Vowel ®Approach to Foster 4th Graders’ Decoding Skills for Vowels /i:/, /u/, /eɪ/, and /aʊ/”, Colomb. appl. linguist. j, vol. 26, no. 2, pp. 118–142, Nov. 2024.


Matus, Isabel, and María-Jesús Inostroza Araos. “Approximation to the Use of the Color Vowel ®Approach to Foster 4th Graders’ Decoding Skills for Vowels /i:/, /u/, /eɪ/, and /aʊ/”. Colombian Applied Linguistics Journal, vol. 26, no. 2, Nov. 2024, pp. 118-42, doi:10.14483/22487085.21580.


Matus, Isabel, and María-Jesús Inostroza Araos. “Approximation to the Use of the Color Vowel ®Approach to Foster 4th Graders’ Decoding Skills for Vowels /i:/, /u/, /eɪ/, and /aʊ/”. Colombian Applied Linguistics Journal 26, no. 2 (November 25, 2024): 118–142. Accessed March 11, 2025.


Matus I, Inostroza Araos M-J. Approximation to the Use of the Color Vowel ®Approach to Foster 4th Graders’ Decoding Skills for Vowels /i:/, /u/, /eɪ/, and /aʊ/. Colomb. appl. linguist. j [Internet]. 2024 Nov. 25 [cited 2025 Mar. 11];26(2):118-42. Available from:

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