


Vol. 25 Núm. 1 (2023): Enero-Junio


Artículos de Investigación

Listening to CLIL Practitioners

una visión general de las percepciones de los docentes bilingües en Bogotá

Escuchando a los docentes de AICLE


Palabras clave:

CLIL in Colombia, bilingual education, teacher perceptions, teacher training, CLIL implementation (en).

Palabras clave:

AICLE en Colombia, educacion bilingue, formación de docentes, implementación de AICLE, percepciones de los docentes (es).

Resumen (en)

Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL) is an educational approach that combines linguistic and subject-based learning to develop the necessary competencies for success in a globalized world. A mixed-method study researched how CLIL is implemented in (10) K-11 schools in Bogota, Colombia, collecting data from 121 in-service teachers in private schools using an array of instruments, such as surveys, structured interviews, and semi-structured interviews. Using the grounded theory approach, data analysis showed that the participants had limited awareness of the CLIL approach and principles. Accordingly, the findings revealed that there is a need for more focus on fundamental CLIL concepts and more formalized teacher training programs. Furthermore, context-orientated resources also emerged as a priority amongst participants, considering that schools were merely trying to replicate European models of delivering CLIL without clear adaptations or consideration for the voices of local teachers. As a result, bilingual schools in Bogota, which are more inclined to use CLIL-oriented approaches, should establish a network to facilitate CLIL training programs to equip in-service teachers who are immersed in content and language environments.  

Resumen (es)

El Aprendizaje Integrado de Contenidos y Lenguas Extranjeras (AICLE) es un enfoque educativo que combina el aprendizaje de una lengua extranjera con el aprendizaje basado en contenidos para desarrollar las competencias necesarias para tener éxito en un mundo globalizado. Un estudio de método mixto investigó cómo se implementa AICLE en (10) colegios que ofrecen escolarización de grado transición a grado 11 en Bogotá, Colombia. Este estudio recopiló datos de 121 docentes activos en colegios privados utilizando una variedad de instrumentos, como encuestas y entrevistas estructuradas y semiestructuradas. El análisis de datos, realizado a través el enfoque de la teoría fundamentada, mostró que los participantes tenían un conocimiento limitado del método y los principios por los que se guía el AICLE. En consecuencia, se identificó una necesidad sentida de implementar programas de formación que promuevan el entendimiento de los conceptos fundamentales de AICLE. Además, los hallazgos revelaron que los docentes requieren recursos que consideren su contexto, debido a que las escuelas parecen estar replicando los modelos europeos de implementación de AICLE sin considerar las características particulares de la educación en Bogotá. Por lo tanto, los colegios bilingües en Bogotá necesitan crear una red de trabajo docente que facilite la implementación de AICLE.

Biografía del autor/a

Daniela Duarte Gómez , Gimnasio Fontana

Daniela Duarte is a self-contained teachers´ advisor at Gimnasio Fontana School, (Bogotá, Colombia). She holds a bachelor’s degree in Childhood Education from Universidad de La Sabana (Bogotá, Colombia), and holds a Master’s Degree in English Language Teaching for Autonomous Learning Environments at Universidad de La Sabana (Bogotá, Colombia). Additionally, she holds an ICELT diploma. Her current research area includes CLIL perceptions, implementation and foreign language teaching training in Bogotá, Colombia.

Laura Susana Quesada Gutiérrez, Colegio La Colina

Laura Susana Quesada Gutiérrez[1]

Laura Quesada is an experienced self-contained teacher and current head of the English Department at Colegio La Colina, (Bogotá, Colombia).  She holds a bachelor’s degree in Modern Languages from Universidad de La Salle (Bogotá, Colombia) and holds a Master’s Degree in English Language Teaching for Autonomous Learning Environments at  Universidad de La Sabana (Bogotá, Colombia). Additionally, she holds an ICELT diploma. Her current research area includes CLIL perceptions and implementation in Bogotá, Colombia. Additionally, she is interested in English teaching approaches and learning styles.

Félix Gonzalo Sánchez Córdoba, Gimnasio del Norte

Félix Gonzalo Sánchez Córdoba[1]

Gonzalo Sánchez is an English A: Language and Literature teacher and English B: Language acquisition teacher at Gimnasio del Norte (Bogotá, Colombia). He holds a degree in Modern Languages from Universidad Antonio Nariño and holds a Master’s Degree in English Language Teaching for Autonomous Learning Environments at the Universidad de La Sabana (Bogotá, Colombia). Additionally, she holds an ICELT diploma. His current research area includes CLIL perceptions and implementation in Bogotá, foreign language teaching approaches, and guidance and counseling.


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Cómo citar


McDougald, J. S., Duarte Gómez , D. ., Quesada Gutiérrez, L. S., y Sánchez Córdoba, F. G. (2023). Listening to CLIL Practitioners: An Overview of Bilingual Teachers’ Perceptions in Bogota. Colombian Applied Linguistics Journal, 25(1), 97–117.


McDougald, J.S. et al. 2023. Listening to CLIL Practitioners: An Overview of Bilingual Teachers’ Perceptions in Bogota. Colombian Applied Linguistics Journal. 25, 1 (jul. 2023), 97–117. DOI:


McDougald, J. S.; Duarte Gómez , D. .; Quesada Gutiérrez, L. S.; Sánchez Córdoba, F. G. Listening to CLIL Practitioners: An Overview of Bilingual Teachers’ Perceptions in Bogota. Colomb. appl. linguist. j 2023, 25, 97-117.


MCDOUGALD, Jermaine S.; DUARTE GÓMEZ , Daniela; QUESADA GUTIÉRREZ, Laura Susana; SÁNCHEZ CÓRDOBA, Félix Gonzalo. Listening to CLIL Practitioners: An Overview of Bilingual Teachers’ Perceptions in Bogota. Colombian Applied Linguistics Journal, [S. l.], v. 25, n. 1, p. 97–117, 2023. DOI: 10.14483/22487085.18992. Disponível em: Acesso em: 17 jul. 2024.


McDougald, Jermaine S., Daniela Duarte Gómez, Laura Susana Quesada Gutiérrez, y Félix Gonzalo Sánchez Córdoba. 2023. «Listening to CLIL Practitioners: An Overview of Bilingual Teachers’ Perceptions in Bogota». Colombian Applied Linguistics Journal 25 (1):97-117.


McDougald, J. S. (2023) «Listening to CLIL Practitioners: An Overview of Bilingual Teachers’ Perceptions in Bogota», Colombian Applied Linguistics Journal, 25(1), pp. 97–117. doi: 10.14483/22487085.18992.


J. S. McDougald, D. . Duarte Gómez, L. S. Quesada Gutiérrez, y F. G. Sánchez Córdoba, «Listening to CLIL Practitioners: An Overview of Bilingual Teachers’ Perceptions in Bogota», Colomb. appl. linguist. j, vol. 25, n.º 1, pp. 97–117, jul. 2023.


McDougald, Jermaine S., et al. «Listening to CLIL Practitioners: An Overview of Bilingual Teachers’ Perceptions in Bogota». Colombian Applied Linguistics Journal, vol. 25, n.º 1, julio de 2023, pp. 97-117, doi:10.14483/22487085.18992.


McDougald, Jermaine S., Daniela Duarte Gómez, Laura Susana Quesada Gutiérrez, y Félix Gonzalo Sánchez Córdoba. «Listening to CLIL Practitioners: An Overview of Bilingual Teachers’ Perceptions in Bogota». Colombian Applied Linguistics Journal 25, no. 1 (julio 14, 2023): 97–117. Accedido julio 17, 2024.


McDougald JS, Duarte Gómez D, Quesada Gutiérrez LS, Sánchez Córdoba FG. Listening to CLIL Practitioners: An Overview of Bilingual Teachers’ Perceptions in Bogota. Colomb. appl. linguist. j [Internet]. 14 de julio de 2023 [citado 17 de julio de 2024];25(1):97-117. Disponible en:

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